Edit: don’t text me in private if u are trying to find someone to fuck!!!
For a year I (F23) have been single. I tried to date or just have casual sex, but it didnt’t work out.
I still have feelings for my ex and with him I had the best sex ever, meeting eachother fetishes. We fucked for some times after we broke up (still amazing sex) but he did moved on and I won’t ruin anything. I respect others relationships.
Still, I realised recently how much he fucked me up in the head (lying, manipulating etc) and I can’t seem to be able to let anyone too close to me. I can’t believed I let myself be so stupid and believe every lie he fed me… Since then, it’s been hard to let anyone pleasure me.
As I said, I tried to date or to have casual sex, but it just doesn’t feel the same.
I feel I am going crazy. I feel I will never be able to feel comfortable with someone else next to me again.
I am thinking about the sex we had 24/7 and I am really tired. I don’t want to think about him anymore, it hurts phisically. It’s not healthy. It’s toxic.
I am using toys everyday but, as we know, it’s not the same.
I miss the human touch, the interaction, the feeling that someone cares.
I feel pathetic and hopeless for being horny this much. I am studying, working and working on some hobbies, so I am always busy. Still, even this doesn’t help. I might write a long ass essay and still find myself lost in a fantasy.
I really don’t know what to do. I am tired and drained.
If someone has any advice on how to cope with this, please help.

  1. You are young. It will fade. You will always have feelings for him. Keep your mind open, as hard as it is. One day someone will make you forget about him. Try to find and enjoy what outlets you have right now. Just try to live your life.

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