[ 20-M ] and ex [ 18-F ] broke up 3 months ago after a 2 year relationship.I cut contact with her a month ago. Now that’s she’s off from uni and is at her’s she’s been texting me.My ex started off with a call in the morning ,after that she replies with a request to be friends.Next she’s complaining about how she feels bad on her period and that being in her bedroom reminds her of me and at the same time saying feels lonely and wants to talk. I understand she’s feeling lonely during the holidays,I asked for space but she seems desperate for help.What should I do? And is it because she misses me or just being lonely ? What’s the appropriate way to deal with this?

TL;DR my ex has been texting me alot during her winter break saying she’s lonely and coming to me wanting friendship after no contact for 1 month.

  1. She sounds like she wants more than friends, but what about when she gets back to uni?

    She says being in a bedroom reminds her of you. She mentions being lonely. It sounds like she wants you back. It seems rather odd she didn’t feel this way until she got away from uni though. I wouldn’t jump too quick, plus you did already ask for space. She might get back to uni and with her friends or love interests and suddenly not be lonely anymore.

    At minimum, give it until she gets back to uni for a week or two and see if her tone changes. She might start being “too busy” or “fine now” and you don’t want to invest time for nothing. Besides, it doesn’t sound like you really want her back, you are just worried about her. She is with family for the holidays, she should be fine.

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