I found out that every women I have met and at least had a bit of an emotional connection/ sexual encounter with for an un-insignificant amount of time, when they ghost me for whatever reason, come crawling back weeks/months later when I do not actively reach out to them and give off the vibe that I don’t give a jackass. I’d go so far as to say it’s pretty much a guarantee, it’s just a matter of when.

They sneak into my DM/ messages and say stuff like “hey” “remember me?” or offer some sort of BS apology.

Unfortunately, in most cases if not all, I had lost interest in them and things are not the same as before.

Why is this? LMAO Women are so hard to wrap our head around as men.

  1. I lowkey wish I had this problem… maybe idk for attention 🤷‍♂️ I’ve had one lady on tinder match with me and unmatch and rematch with me only since she wanted attention, I blocked her

  2. This happens to me (female) with guys. 99% they come back. I’ve got one texting me right now. Usually I just ignore them but I liked this one so he gets one more chance. Im definitely keeping a bit more distance though this time around

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