What do you guys think of the sub r/seduction?

  1. it’s r/selfimprovement with an unhealthy mindset of why you should improve yourself and the fact it’s so normalized is beyond horrid.


    You shouldn’t be improving yourself for others or for the pursuit of partners

    Improve yourself because you need/want improvement

    Improving for others doesn’t mean you’ve grown as a person, It means you only APPEAR to have improved just so you look more palatable in a relationship context.

  2. I don’t cold approach a girl if she isn’t staring at me and she isn’t busy, which means a lot of times

  3. Never been on it until now. The top post right now is “try smiling at a girl” expanded into a thousand word essay.

    Seems rather over complicated in a normal “reddit” way.

  4. im sure some of the stuff there is useful but i feel like most of the people there are just trying to sell you their ebook

  5. Extremely toxic and promotes a highly self destructive and deeply unhealthy view of manhood.

    The problem is the onset of tinder and online dating apps has created this quite shallow view of dating as a predator – prey dynamic; where women are bombarded with endless, often indistinguishable and often sexualised requests. Meanwhile men entering the dating world are finding themselves facing near endless daily rejection with next to zero engagement.

    Both groups are victims of social media of utter superficiality – where they end up with distorted views of how life should be.

    Young men have the added expectations of living in a society where they are supposed to fulfil a certain social role that was ordained by their fathers – so while they have all the baggage of a very rigid patriarchal upbringing and near zero social or emotional support growing up, living in a society that tells them that being emotionally vulnerable, thoughtful, caring, kind and supportive are weak traits while simultaneously there is a convalescence of social progress for women and trying to free themselves from being held back by systemic sexism/misogyny.

    The unexpected aspect of this would be by guys being simultaneously excluded (either passively by feeling no role in it or actively from being told to be silent supporters) from being part of a massive social progress.

    in a sense they’re in the worst possible time for them.

    This makes them *incredibly* easy prey for the sort of charismatic patriarchal figures that offer ready made easy answers that for the first time tell them that maleness and masculinity are not disposable or useless; that you can get women easily. There was a comment by ContraPoints on Jordan Peterson that summed it up ‘you can understand why he is worshiped as a dad figure. Nobody else is talking to them’.

    Likewise for PUAs – you enter into a community that doesn’t judge you for your attraction to women, call you sleazy or a awful for trying to get a date. Doesnt care what your background was, what you want out of a date. They’ll just give you exactly what you want – a way to try and game your way into women’s pants.

    The disaster comes after – they’re all still miserable; at the world that refused to cater to them. At women who won’t date them. But most of all themselves for not being good enough.

    I really feel sorry for them.

  6. I believe I used to be subscribed to that sub many years ago. Left it because it was just cringe and sad. Like they’re not actually trying to make human connections, just trying to follow some kind of formula for a desired result. Looking at social and sexual interactions like a math equation. Dudes, just be the best version of yourself and go do stuff and talk to people and see what happens.

  7. Never gone there but I imagine all of their posts will migrate over to this sub just like with the other subreddits.

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