How much sleep do you (personally) need to feel good the next day?

  1. Since I can remember I’ve always needed 9 or 10 to be optimally charged and comfortable.

    Twas a reassurance to read that Albert Einstein was around the same. To weigh a rather humorous contrast: In a 1980s interview, Ted Turner stated he was perfectly fine in sleeping just 4 or 5 hours each night.

  2. 6 – 7 1/2 hours. Anything longer and I feel sluggish or my back hurts the next morning.

  3. Between 7-9 hours. More then 9 hours makes me wake up feeling the same way I would if I had 5-6 hours. Less then hours 5 hours is more of a nap then a sleep.

  4. Depends on the workout that day. If I’m doing heavy cleans I need more sleep than if I had an active recovery day. On average im good with about 8.

  5. 6-8, remains consistent on when you go to bed and when you wake up. No screens 30 mins before bed, I read, pray(optional), and then hit the hay.

  6. 6 hours I’m good for 6 months but I start to go downhill, 7 I can do constantly, but if life ever slows down I would love to see 8-9 hours again.

  7. 6.5 – 7 doesn’t guarantee I’ll feel good but less than that guarantees I won’t. I average about 4.5 – 5.5, usually.

  8. I’d be lucky to get two hours before I jerk awake from night terrors. Soo 8hours? Yeah lest say 8 Hours final answer!

  9. I saw one comment that said “mentally ill” so I just wanna say same, but no amount of sleep will make me feel good. But to not feel like complete shit I need at least 6.

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