Fellow men, what makes a man decent?

  1. I think personal integrity is super important. My mom’s currently dating this guy and honestly, he’s a complete fucking train wreck in the integrity department. I don’t understand how she can be in love with this man because she’s a smart and cultured woman. Basically, he’s got a wife and 3 kids. So my mom is his side chick. They’ve been seeing for over a year. Naturally, the wife doesn’t know anything. Before he met my mom, he cheated on his wife with countless other women. But here’s the craziest part: he actually got one of those other women pregnant. She gave birth to a boy. That boy is now a young man (18 or 19 years old). The guy NEVER told his wife that he’s got a child with another woman and his 3 kids don’t know that they have a half-brother. And because he didn’t want his wife to find out about his other son, he decided to abandon the boy when he was 5 or 6. He gave the boy’s mother a large sum of money (he’s got a well-paying job) and said bye. So that boy had to grow up without a dad. Oh, and of course that boy doesn’t know he’s got three half-siblings. Like… WTF.

    Like I said, personal integrity is pretty damn important in my opinion.

  2. The way he presents, holds and values himself

    His interests, His passions/Hobbies

    His confidence, His personality, His style



    Most people are naturally judgemental, When they see something they’ll have initial thoughts about what we see and then work from there

    So presentation is everything.

  3. My advice. Never do something you wouldn’t be caught dead doing.

    That includes being dishonest or sneaky. Slacking off when stuff needs doing and spreading poison gossip.

  4. To be as strong as you are forgiving. To be well balanced and mindful of your privileges and weaknesses.

  5. Taking accountability for their mistakes.

    There is nothing wrong with fucking up, we learn the most from the mistakes we make. The problem comes when you point the blame elsewhere for your decisions or actions, or simply refuse to learn from them and make the same mistake over and over.

  6. How a man treats someone who he doesn’t have feelings for. Decency thrives in those who can show kindness to those who don’t benefit them

  7. He is not chasing butterflies.

    The people that is looking for the next dopamine high make me mad (buying useless stuff, changing hobbies every month, bunny hopping from woman to woman…), chill out, live is not a race.

    Be consistent and have a sense of self.

  8. all depends… are you speaking in general? i guess honesty and trustworthy.. loyalty is something you’re not going to see in a man for a while so it really doesn’t matter as-long as the person is being honest with you

  9. Actually helping out the wife. To many men act
    Like they are the alphas in front of other guys. But then can’t even fold the clothes, do dishes , compliment the wife. They drink, fuck off with the boys and leave the kids to the wife. I hardly see men play their roll in a excellent standard. To many men tell me how lucky I am to have my wife. But fail to see they don’t put any work in their own relationship to make the wife happy.

  10. It’s fear

    And that’s the problem. None of you has anything left to fear.

    … whoops! Forgot my little voodoo doll

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