would it be a good idea to be friends with an ex? why or why not?

  1. Absolutely depends on the person and why you’re exes.

    My ex-wife and I are best friends. Some of my other exes I avoid like the plague (although the plague is less toxic).

  2. For me, no

    It shows an unwillingness to move on and it puts any future SOs you might have in a very uncomfortable position

    It makes many people consider you someone who doesn’t take love and relationships seriously

  3. In general, no.

    You cannot undo a relationship. You know eachothers most intimate thoughts, you’ve seen eachother naked…. When they say “sort of, yeah” you know exactly what that means and what the consequences are. But you just have to sit back and ignore that, because it’s not your place anymore to provide that intimate support.

    But have I seen some working exceptions? Yes I have. But it’s usually a ugly road to get there, and most don’t make it to the end.

    It’s not for nothing that the title ‘ex’ is forever…

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