Let’s say I’m talking to a friend who felt comfortable enough with me to share something very deep and personal to them. It’s not necessarily a confession, but just something that could get them on the verge of tears. What should I do/say? How should I act?

I consider myself a decent listener but I have to say something at some point (like when they finish). I’ve never been good at the talking part of conversations (much less emotional talk), which is why I’m significantly better at listening.

  1. you might agree they’ve been through a lot, really a lot, and how they’re dealing with it and overcoming and moving forward is hard but shows how they are resilient and stronger moving forward. Then ask what their next goals are for the future so they feel better and more hopeful, forward- thinking

  2. Just listen and give your honest opinion. (Right or wrong). Your being their for them. That’s a big deal.

  3. Depends_on_the_person._Since_you’re_a_beginning_level_ listener…just_sit_with_them_and_ask_them_what_they_need _from_you_in_that_moment_most.

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