Hi all. My husband and I have been together for 10 years, married for 6. Every year since we’ve been married, and a few when we dated we’ve spent Christmas at his parents house and up until recently Thanksgiving as well. His dad’s side of the family gathers there for most Christmas and quite a few Thanksgivings. My side of the family no longer gathers (the elders in my family have either passed on or too ill) and my parents are divorced. I’ve asked every year since we’ve been married to have Christmas at our home but my husband says no because our home needs to be painted and get new carpet. And I understand where he’s coming from in that regard because the condition of it doesn’t reflect us, our builder just did the bare minimum at the time we had it built and it being our first home we didn’t know it would wear and tear so quickly. Anywho, I would at least like to have Christmas here at our home with my mom. She knows we’re clean people and doesn’t care about the crayon on the wall and the carpet. He said no. His point is when family gathers he wants to be there, and he doesn’t show a bias of it’s mine or his. My issue is that his family gathers every year and because mine doesn’t I’m stuck doing what they want to do at his parents house every year. I would like to have dinner at home with our family (me, him, our kids, my mom). Or go on vacation instead of gifts. If we could do something with just us every other year with my mom and then every other year at his parent’s house is that bad? He has an aunt and uncle in another state that come for Christmas almost every year as well. Everyone else is local. I just want to know if I’m being selfish. We get into heated arguments every year.

  1. He needs to learn to compromise. The ideas you have are good ones. You should be allowed to spend the holiday with your mom sometimes. Vacations are also cool ideas because memories last much longer than gifts.

  2. Thank you both! I’m going to do just that! I’ll book a vacation for us and he can go if he wants.

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