He said that even if he were single he wouldn’t feel comfortable doing it or texting about it because of how much I mean to him and how strongly he likes me. But that makes no sense. He wants to hang out again soon and told me he “really really respects me” but again…if all of that were true combined with his attraction to me then why would he say he wouldn’t want to do it even if he were single? Because we have such a strong friendship? I feel like I’m in love with him. I’m so sad and confused about why he slept with me in the first place. What should I do? We work together. And I obviously miss him but he only wants to be friends.

TLDR: I slept with my close friend who’s married once and now he doesn’t want to do it again. How can I recover from this/ever move on, especially because he still wants to be friends with me and we work together. I think I am in love with him and I feel so confused.

  1. Never step into a marriage. Read Infidelity on reddit. You destroy lives, and a family. It is not your right. let him go. Frankly apologize for potentially causing pain to people who don’t deserve it.

  2. I hope you’re not expecting any sympathy here. You slept with a married man. What did you think was going to happen? A fairy tale? Do not spend time with him. He needs to tell his wife and get a new job.

  3. You really think that what your doing is right? You know he is married. You really think someone that’s cheating will be faithful to you. You can’t change people.

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