Be honest, if you could change one thing about your significant other, what would it be?

  1. The only real thing needed is having them see things from our perspective working both ways people don’t need to change if they understand

  2. As soon as I start to feel that way, I know it’s time to move on…

    But, for my ex fiancé (who I broke up with a few months ago), I’d change her height from 5’3” to 5’6”-5’9”…

    Not because her height was a problem or a turn off, she wanted ti be taller because I’m 6’1” and sex with that kind of height difference us just hilarious sometime, and at times, difficult..

    Especially missionary.

  3. Gonna do this with my ex I broke up with 15 days ago:

    1) don’t cheat on me

    2) understand that criticism isn’t something against you as a person

    3) talk to me about your problems (otherwise I don’t understand what your problem is and I can’t do anything about it), talk with me about my problems, actually listen to me, talk about problems in the relationship, stop giving excuses why you don’t want to talk, stop saying multiple people telling me to stop dating you are in the wrong because they know you are cheating and stop playing it off as „they are so dumb, I am not cheating on you, block them“

    4) if you make me lose all me friends, stop being an a**hole when you and your friends are the only people I hang out with

    Some extras after the break up

    5)* don’t block ME because of the criticism of YOUR best friends

    6)* stop acting childish over nothing

    7)* don’t be pissed if I still hang out with your friends, because your friends are now also mine (and they don’t like you, because you are an a**hole)

    Edit: you should‘ve blocked your ex instead of cheating on me… well now I am blocked for saying I don’t necessarily need to talk to you in school
    ps: you‘re friends are amazing friends and I won’t stop hanging out with them, I even will go to Spain with them in summer

  4. Honestly, the only thing I’d change is to make her never doubt that she does in fact deserve and is worthy of the love I have for her.

  5. *Looks to my left, empty sofa. Looks to my right, empty sofa.*

    Not a bloody thing, thanks, I’m happy not having one. The only value-add a woman actually bring to my life is slightly more sex. And they don’t seem to like being told that I can meet all my needs on my own, except for the ‘sex’ one.

  6. This might sound bad, but I don’t really know how else to say it. I wish she had a little more of a backbone. She’s wonderful and I love her and I’m happy to be someone she can depend on, especially emotionally.

    But sometimes…. the being timid and overly anxious and afraid of something always going wrong gets a little old. But you know what? I’m not perfect either. I know I do things that she gets sick of too. I know this about her and I love her for it anyway

  7. She would no longer have PMS. I would like to be able to count on my partner 100% of the time and not only 80% of the time. I do not trust her to handle anything while she’s PMSing. Don’t confuse this with loyalty, I trust her there 100% of the time. I just don’t trust her to rationally deal with any small issues that might rise up from day to day without exploding on people. This isn’t about cramps, being in pain, or on period symptoms. This is only about the time before period during whatever hormonal imbalance has her at a constant simmer until a tiny imperfection about the day turns her into a raging boil.

  8. Fix her disability. Like it isn’t the end of the world but there is very little I’d change about her, so stopping her being in pain 24/7 sounds like a good deal to me.

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