For those of you who immigrated to the US, why did you choose to live in the state you’re in?

  1. Colorado has always been the state I lived in. So I honestly don’t have experience with other states. But I can’t see me/us moving elsewhere. I love the snow, the mountains, the people, and Denver.

  2. My parents got here when my sibling and I were all under 8. My dad landed a job as a civilian contractor at a local air force base. That kept us in the state for a few years. We moved a little further north to the Atlanta area wheee there were more opportunities. We’ve been here over 40 years now.

  3. Washington state… my wife forced me. I hate the people here so much. They are super uptight, miserable, and plastic. The mountains are pretty, it has nature and liberal laws going for it.

  4. My dad is the immigrant, not me, but he came to Washington because his cousin was here and would help him get settled, find a job, etc. His cousin came here because their other cousin came here. That cousin came because a family friend was here. I think the chain just goes on like that forever, no one is sure who the first was, but it’s all about connections.

  5. I am not an Immigrant but both my parents are.

    My mom didn’t chose Illinois per se she came for collage and she was on a foreign student program so they chose where she went.

    My dad chose Illinois because his brother had immigrated a few years before and that’s where he was at the time he also liked that there was a sizable Greek community.

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