I’ve just had to throw away 8 binbags full of ready meals, meat, bread and veggies because our charity collection didn’t turn up on time. Honestly it made me feel a bit sick chucking it into a skip knowing how badly some people need it. How bad is it currently in your place?

  1. We yellow sticker things that are going out of date that day, and if it doesn’t get purchased staff are allowed to take it home free of charge. Most of it does get taken the only things that go straight in the bin are like fruit and veg, things that are visibly taking a turn.

    Used to also work in clothing retail. Any damaged clothes (small tears, unnoticeable stains) that still do their job are given to charity without question, but if they’re damaged beyond repair they do get put in the bin unfortunately.

  2. Ours is terrible at the moment. Most of its down to bad rotation and people who can’t be arsed to take time to check it properly though. Charities do a daily collection for ours but this last couple of weeks they’ve been a no show. So it all ends up going on the waste cage in the end. Sad to see when people really need it.

  3. I work for a company who distribute and deliver recipe boxes and meal kits and can tell you the food wastage is out of this world if for any reason these fail to get delivered.

    Our business’ training policy is to deliver these no matter what, even if you have to dump it outside an apartment block in a busy city centre like London, as long as it gets delivered.

    It’s no fault of our company’s, but more the actual companies who produce the boxes and set the rules. They set the rules that if these these boxes fail to be delivered, they must be destroyed. If any member of staff of ours was to remove any item whether for themselves or to donate to a food bank, it would be deemed as theft. And the company can’t donate to food banks incase somebody was to fall ill and sue the business claiming health and safety breaches.

    I think they do salvage things like tins and products with long dates on now and donate somewhere, but didn’t used to

  4. Worked at Aldi for a few years. On average we would waste anywhere from £250-£300 worth of products each week from frozen.

    Customers take something and can’t be arsed to put it back.

  5. I think more businesses should sign up to initiatives like Too Good To Go (including the supermarket chains) to reduce food waste.

  6. We use this service called toogoodtogo where people can sign up pay something like £3 and get a bag with £9 worth of food stuffs that have the best by date on that day, really useful and helps people who might be struggling because most of it can be frozen

  7. It goes to charity but we do have at least one bin bag of food that can’t be donated or that charities won’t want. In our store we donate to charity every day but for stores that don’t have a collection they do Too Good To Go.

    Over the years we’ve had a lot of charities no showing which is frustrating but we seem to have a reliable group of people now.

  8. Work for the Sburys, from what I see the fresh stuff can be 8 plus bags of wasted chilled product and 3 bags of bakery goods. One issue my store has is they dont train people on how to dispose of any product and those who are trained are told not to do so and just focus on stock, leading to the issue of disposal/reduction pileup in the warehouse which in turn attracts flies and small animals like birds

  9. Not too bad. People take what the shop throws out. Perfectly good food for free, you just have to ask before it reaches the skip

  10. I used to work in a supermarket and omg the food waste was ridiculous. They would give some to charity at the end of most days but just stuff that would expire on the day or is past the ‘best before’ date- those past the ‘use by’ date couldn’t be given for legal reasons. And the amount they gave was never much because they had to scan and record every item and those doing it just wanted to get it over with.

    And then you have the baked goods that are freshly put out each morning. There is so much they could have done to reduce the waste for this stuff like put it in the colleague canteen for the night staff (I think they shut the bakery at 8pm), reduced the price for customers etc but they used to just chuck it all in a black bin-liner at the end of every day.

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