So me (19M) and my partner (18F) have just got back together after the third time of breaking up. My partner has cheated on me and that’s why we split the 3rd time, but I cannot get over people and I missed her. We do love each other but I think we’re missing something in the relationship. We’re both ready for commitment for a long term relationship. But when she cheated on me, I broke up and called her some horrible names but I have since apologized and offered my life to redeem myself. But is she the asshole for cheating or am I the asshole for wanting that happeniess she gives me everytime I see her?

  1. Dude you’re 19 and young, you’ve been disrespected. Time for you to respect yourself and move on, no matter how hard you think it is.

  2. If she’s cheating on you at this stage then I wouldn’t count on anything longterm with her. There’s the old saying once a cheater always a cheater. My advice would be to end things and look for someone who will treat you with the respect that you deserve.

  3. Exactly what the person said before, you always have to take past actions into consideration, like think about it I’m I really gonna give this person my all again once they betrayed my TRUST, one of the few if not biggest thing in an actual relationship? And also but into consideration if she could do that you she could have also a)done the same thing to somebody else in the past or b) she did it once, what are the chances she could do it again in the future?

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