Okay so I (m22) have heard a lot of conflicting information on this topic, basically I’ve heard some people say it is true and that fruit (most commonly I heard pineapple) makes cum taste better. But I’ve also heard that it is a myth. Anyone know from experience or like studies?

  1. Another question that seems to get asked once a week. The search function is your friend. Search on “taste”. Voilà.

  2. Right. There is such an assumption. Well, in general, different diets really change the taste of sperm, but do not expect something stunning from this. The taste changes but slightly, for some almost imperceptibly.

  3. From personal experience and from what I read diet really can impact the taste, amount and consistency. But then again, not by a HUGE amount (provided you eat kind of healthy already).

    Its not like a piece of pineapple a day will make your cum taste like a smoothie. But overall a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables, while being fairly hydrated will certainly help to get rid of nasty/bitter/sour notes.

  4. 99% is really just good diet and plenty of hydration while limiting intake of alcohol. Gets the taste to very mild/neutral status, or near tasteless really.

  5. changing the taste is a loose metric. consider the effect going for a range of generally gross but tolerable, to gag inducingly horrendous. you’ll never eat anything that makes it taste like skittles or fuzzy navel wine coolers. no woman is going to want to milk your for a refreshing snack. the best we can do is make her efforts the most tolerable as we can.

  6. No one’s done a study on this. Imagine trying to apply for a grant for the project, let alone finding volunteers.

    All you’ll get is *anecdotal*

  7. Well, I am very sure my diet can affect my taste. How do I know? I ate toum — basically, raw garlic + oil + lemon juice.

    How I taste before I eat it is very different from how I taste a day after. Or 3 days after. Is it bad? Eh. It isn’t what I usually taste like, and I guess it’s more strong and sour, but is still what pussy tastes like.

    I taste best when I hydrate and am ovulating. I have done a meat+veg+dairy diet and don’t find it much different than when I’m eating carbs and sugar and fruit.

    My partner drinks pineapple juice and eats a lot of fruit and meat and tastes great. So maybe there is something to pineapple, specifically. Or maybe it’s just water content. Dunno.

    But yes. What you ingest absolutely impacts what you excrete.

  8. Papaya made my ex’s cum taste really good. Diet most definitely impacts the fluids that come from your body, whether it’s ejaculate, sweat, breath, etc.

  9. I think eating well and being healthy overall can make a big impact not sure about specific foods but definitely healthy eating does help overall. For me whenever I’ve been dehydrated or not drinking as much water, it tastes kind of salty where as when eating well and hydrating enough it’s on the sweater side

  10. Yes it makes a huge difference. Eat like garbage, smoke and drink regularly for a month, then taste your own cum. Then for the next month eat really healthy, don’t smoke or drink, and drink heaps of water, taste again. Lol

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