My wife is baffled my son and I choose leg.

  1. Left leg specifically. Damn thing doesn’t work anymore, but my dick still does. Easy choice.

  2. My leg. Tell your wife that we get pleasure from one of these and it’s not our leg.

  3. Penis, heard about some guy who had a horse penis attached after his wife cut his off.

    Would be low key interested.

  4. Leg. If your wife is baffled ask her would she rather loose her vagina or her leg….

  5. Leg. Not sure how she can be baffled. Men have done crazy things and made many bad decisions to use their penis just once. When i say men, i mean me.

  6. There’s no option. It’s not even a question really. Every normal man is losing a leg.

  7. I have this story idea about a man who went on to have five children with his wife even after he lost a leg fighting in Afghanistan

  8. >My wife is baffled

    Dude, ummmm … how do I put this … I think you just inadvertently admitted in public that you and your wife don’t have a very good sex life.

    My wife would not hesitate 1 second before predicting that I would sacrifice the leg rather than the penis.

  9. If I choose leg I can get a cyborg leg and become a man/machine hybrid.

    I can’t get a cyber dong, no matter how cool it sounds.

  10. Penis, I’m dieing alone anyways, I find Legs far more useful for everyday life.

  11. Ask your wife if she would rather loose her tits or her pinky toe, she might get it then. 🤣

  12. Cut off my dick!!! In all seriousness…I would get my penis amputated if I had to choose. Why? Because I need my legs in order to provide for my family. I walk in stilts and climb ladders and scaffolding on a daily basis…I don’t know how well a prosthetic leg would work in that situation. We aren’t planning on having any more kids, and there’s more to sex than just using your sword.

  13. I would like to say leg in case I need my penis. But my penis gets me into trouble. It might be a relief to be A sexual. No dating no small talk no urges no masturbation no drama. Plus I can walk and run.

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