Thank you

  1. I know nothing about her. The last time I even heard that name get brought up was when I was a little kid cause my Grandma used to watch her all the time.

  2. She’s an overwrought, overdramatic crime “reporter” and most Americans have no idea who she is.

  3. My opinion? She’s a loud, obnoxious woman who likes attention. She’s nosy and makes highly inappropriate commentary based on her “experience” while having absolutely no inside knowledge of whatever case she’s talking about. She’s a rich TV personality who is paid to talk about horrible crimes that happen to other people just because she used to work in law or some such nonsense.

  4. Credibility? Nah, I don’t think so.. the only people giving her cred are others who already think the same way.

    To me, she’s an entertainer whose schtick is stirring the shit for the sake of stirring.

    Like, she actively seeks out stuff to be mad about

    She’s not a news source or anything like that (in my eyes at least)

  5. She’s a terrible asshole. She was a shitty and unethical prosecutor and probably drove a woman to suicide with her show. She definitely didn’t cover herself in glory covering the Duke Lacrosse case.

    If I had my druthers she’d be out of the public spotlight forever.

  6. She’s known for being a sensational TV personality, like a Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz. She’s another entertainer who tries to sell herself as an “expert.” I think she’s mostly watched by middle-aged housewives.

  7. No, she’s a complete train wreck. The qualities that make someone credible don’t make for good TV.

  8. Most people here are a little too young to remember her. She peaked in the mid to late first decade of the 2000s. She was famous for her loud, vicious commentaries especially over the Duke lacrosse and Casey Anthony cases. I have never watched her shows but she was popular with the older audience for a few years.

  9. Inflammatory tv personality with a legitimate origin story, by which i mean she supposedly got into true crime bc her fiance was murdered and she wanted to be a victim advocate. However, she is whiny, loud, inflammatory and it is difficult to reconcile her persona with the noble goals of her supposed motives/intentions.

  10. She’s a deeply, deeply fucked up and bad person. Like deep inside her soul, she’s just a piece of shit.

  11. Someone at a job I had back in the early 2000’s always had the channel that played her show turned on in the break room, and my lunch coincided with her show being on. I quickly determined that she was not worth my time and would turn off the TV. I’ve not thought about that in years.

  12. There is a two-part You’re Wrong About (podcast) episode on her and her autobiography.
    TL;dr Gross human being in every way.

  13. She’s Judge Judy plus the Karen archetype who was last relevant 10 years ago as far as I know. Haven’t heard anyone talk about her in that long I think.

  14. The one thing that I will give her is that when she had her tv show Nancy Grace along with John Walsh are about the only news personality who used their platforms to constantly bring attention to crimes against black/brown and other minority groups. She would constantly highlight stories of missing and murdered minorities on her tv show. People like Joy Reid,Don Lemon and Trevor Noah would constantly complain that the media wouldn’t give much attention to the plights of minorities but when it came down to it none of those people really cared unless it was a white cop killing a black person.

  15. I heard about her in a pretty negative light many years ago. I haven’t heard the name in years except as a derisive comment about somebody unrelated, presumably using the same tactics.

    All of it is second-hand though — I wouldn’t know who she was if I saw her.

  16. I barely know who she is, except for witnessing this exchange in a bar:

    Creepy dude hits on a woman.
    Woman: No thank you, I don’t want to be a segment on Nancy Grace.

    The bartender busted out laughing then he comped her a drink.

  17. I feel like you only know about her because she is so crazy! Nobody under the age of 50 watched her and nobody under 25 even knew who she was. We have credible news here but it’s so boring, just the way news should be.

  18. I moved to the Netherlands in 1997 for a few years. I discovered that Jerry springer was on TV there. I apologized to anyone who would listen that we were exporting such filth.

    nancy grace is worse.

  19. I thought the OP was asking about a French politician since they said they were French.

    The name barely rings a bell for me. If she is of the Oprah, Dr Phil, and Dr Oz ilk, she can stick a 2 by 4 covered in rusty nails up her $@&&”?!.

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