Hey I’m 20F and I started to have active sexual life. I have really strict and religious parents they don’t even let me visit Gynecologist so i was wondering is condom safe option for safe sex. I really can’t have birtcontrol yet so should i be anxious about this? I never had unprotected sex but still really anxious and confused 🙁

  1. Condoms are very effective as long as you use them correctly and every time. Also at 20 you are old enough to make your own decisions about birth control. You don’t need your parents permission and they don’t need to know.

  2. A condom is better than nothing at all. It’s definitely not full proof but still a preventative measure to not get pregnant. If you have your own health insurance I would recommend getting on birth control and hide it. It’ll be a better more effective preventative than just condoms alone. I’m sorry your parents are so strict and won’t even let you see a necessary doctor for women.

  3. Yep, condoms work when used correctly! They work even better when you combine them with pullout (meaning, use a condom and the man withdraws before ejaculation).

  4. Condoms are ok by themselves and you should use them every time as birth control and also to prevent STIs. However condoms are not the most effective form of birth control so they’re best used in combination with another method, such as the pill, an IUD, sponge, diaphragm, spermicidal gel, etc

  5. I would strongly recommend you go to a gynaecologist too. If anything you need to have regular checks for your health and your parents need to accept that. Depending on where you are located there are many organisations that can help you.

  6. Check out planned parenthood. You’re over 18 and most certainly can get on birth control if you want. Condoms are still good to use as well, as they also protect against stds. You don’t need your parents permission to go to the doctor anymore.

  7. You should definitely go to a Gynecologist for a routine check up. You are above 18 so you should be able to get medical care without your parents knowing about it.

  8. I don’t know what country you’re in but at age 20, you should have have the ability to see whoever you want and it be kept confidential.

    At the very least, if your country has the equivalent to a Planned Parenthood or similar “family planning” center, seek those out.

  9. Make sure that you understand why a condom works well, and how to tell that it has worked as intended. So that you can keep your mind at ease and happily rely on it.

    One of the super-good things about condoms is not JUST that it protects from pregnancies and some other things you don’t want to get, but also that when it fails, it’s pretty obvious. Obvious enough that you will get ONE chance to swiftly do something about the problem; emergency contraceptives (one of them is on some markets sold as Plan B) only work in a pretty short window after a “mistake”, and knowing that you need to have one is a damn good start, if you get where I’m going with that.

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