I’m a Mexican-American from Los Angeles. I’ve met a few from Texas and went “huh. That was different.” And then I met a gal from New York and she was 100% Bronx and 0% anything I knew about. That was a trip! So what about when New York Jews meet their L.A. counterparts? Or Sicilian-Americans from Brooklyn when they go down to New Orleans? You get the idea.

  1. I’m Italian/Sicilian heritage and grew up in a very Italian part of NJ.

    Imagine my surprise finding that there’s quite a few Italians living in San Francisco!

    We exchanged info on where to find the best bread.

    So a pretty normal exchange tbh.

  2. Not much of a far distance away but a vast cultural difference. I was born and raised in Indiana. My mother though was born and raised by Appalachian hill folk in VA.

    Add into that the fact that I’m Catholic and they’re Southern Baptist. At family reunions you can throw a stick into the group without hitting several SB ministers.

    It’s interesting to say the least. It’s a very rural mindset vs. my city mentality.

  3. It was great. I traveled to the area my father’s family is from in 2018 and had a great time. I met people who live in the area, talked to a local historian and got some information about our family tree, I visited a few farms that ancestors lived on. It was a very life affirming experience and made me feel stronger in my identity and family story.

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