My boyfriend and I were at his sister’s house and I walked into the room and she was kissing him on the lips. It made me really uncomfortable. Trying to see if this is normal or not.

  1. It’s kind of a family by family thing, where it is normal in some and completely abnormal in others. There are also families where it is normal when the kids are small and get phased out with age. I’d expect the amount of adults doing it to be quite small. Still wouldn’t read it as a sweet Home Alabama Situation though – just a slightly weird family thing.

  2. EUWWWWWW…. It’s NOT NORMAL AND INCREDIBLY INAPPROPRIATE…. The litmus test is… if they don’t do it infornt of other people or in public, they themselves know it’s incredibly sick and inappropriate….

  3. Without context of the type of kiss (are we talking full blown make out of quick peck?), if it’s a quick kiss/peck it could be a cultural thing. My understanding is Ukrainians (I believe?) will greet with a kiss on this lips for family and friends (family member is a close friend of many and while most respect that she’s a cheek only gal, some either forget or have made it a game. She’s working on the boundary of it).

    But yeah, type of kiss and cultural information are going to be relevant here.

  4. I mean, unless you see other things to worry about, I don’t think one peck on the lips is anything entirely weird, may just be outside your comfort zone though.

  5. I know some families will kiss on the lips (I still find it odd but I know some don’t) however it’s always a quick peck, anything more than that is crossing a line.

    Also the fact that you have never seen it before and they were doing it thinking you couldn’t see sounds a little odd too. If it was just a family thing then why the need to hide it? Idk .

  6. Even if it’s “normal” in some families, are you ok with it? Your are absolutely allowed to not be okay with it even if others consider it normal.

  7. GIRL this was more than a peck TO HIS SISTER. My brother is my world and I wouldn’t dream of doing this.

    Have a serious talk with him. He may say it’s not a big deal but it is and he knows it because they try to actively **hide** it from you. Ask him to explain what he does and demonstrate on you, ask if this wasn’t a big deal why did he hide it. Explain your feelings. If you are not comfortable with this **that is okay** and valid. Try to reach a compromise is possible. But you have to decide if this is a deal-breaker for you and it’s okay if it is. I know many people might say this isn’t a very serious thing but it is **your** relationship. I, personally, wouldn’t be comfortable with this.

    UpdateMe! Please

  8. It’s fine. There’s nothing weird going on. They’re just affectionate in a way that’s different to you.

  9. I have seven siblings and am 50 years old. The idea of kissing any of them on the lips makes me want to vomit. I kiss my 85 year old mother on the cheek and my nephew’s wife on the cheek because she is European and it’s expected. The rest? Hell no.

  10. I don’t think this shit is normal at all

    Maybe if they are 5 and it’s a peck but at this age it’s down right creepy.

  11. I kiss my siblings and such but haven’t on the lips since I was a young teen. If we both go for a kiss and accidentally connect with lips, we’ll say something like, “Oh, sorry. Went for a kiss and got a snog!” then move on because it wasn’t intentional, nor was it meant to be anything more than a cheek kiss. Some families still kiss on lips that I know, well into my age bracket and over, but most don’t. It’s just a thing if you make it one. Don’t jump to unnecessary conclusions and weird yourself out.

  12. If you had both just entered her house and it was a quick peck hello greeting then maybe it would be ok. But personally I’d never greet my siblings that way, and I never have

  13. I wouldn’t want that – I used to kiss my parents on the lips goodnight but not past the age of like 5 it would be really odd to me.

  14. When you say room, do you mean you guys were entering the room and you were a bit late behind him and they greeted each other with a kiss as you entered; or you mean they were in a room alone and kissing, a while after you guys arrived there?

    If its the latter then you might have some problems, since its kinda normal for family to kiss as a greeting if you are seeing each other after a while, but theres no need for them to just be alone in a room and just randomly start kissing.

  15. Clearly they’re having a torrid affair. They’ve hidden it from you for as long as they can but in the Christmas spirit, lost control and gave each other a dry kiss in your presence. Report them to all agencies you can! This shall not stand. **/s**

    Look, different families have different dynamics. In theirs, kissing on the lips is probably completely normal and you’re blowing this out of proportion, while accusing him of incest. Get over your insecurities. You bring this up to him, he’s going to (rightly) dump you.

    Spend your time figuring out WHY when you see two siblings kiss on the lips, you immediately jump to incest.

  16. I say weird. Especially cause you said it was more than a peck in another comment. I def used to kiss my family on the lips when I was a little kid with no boundaries but this is pretty odd in adults.

  17. Update. I’m the boyfriend in question. So this crazy ex girlfriend of mine is now on a vendetta to destroy me and my family now that I broke up with her. So I’ll go ahead and deflate her entire engagement on this post. She likes to add and delete details to make her side of the story get a response she wants. She sent me a screen shot of this saying “see your wrong “
    What happened was nothing really. My sister was talking to me face to face she had her hands on my shoulder and she was talking to my like a sister who cares for her younger brother, and she was giving encouraging words and saying she misses me and said love you brother and pecked me, it was such a non event that I didn’t even realize and my sister wasn’t trying to hide it. Family was walking all around the house as well as my girlfriend. She’s acting like she walked in on us making out months later. Ever since this so called event she’s actually freaked the fuck out everytime I go see my family. She threatened to put my stuff outside last time I went to see my mom and she was at my sisters house. At this point I told
    My family about what was going on and they were shocked and appalled and they support me in breaking up and leaving this person who made the post. Now that you guys have heard the actual truth feel free to let me know how you feel having heard both sides. Your dealing with a person who puts herself on a pedestal thinks she’s the most amazing person on the planet and never has to apologize for anything. She thinks by destroying my family it’s going to get them to distance me to where I will come crawling back to her , but I think at the moment of reading this post she will realize how deep and wrong she is and how far she has fallen from the sweet person who I fell in love with who’s now gone. I had a drug problem when I met her now she’s using the drug problem to try and make my family look down on me.

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