I just lived abroad for a while for my job and I felt very free in dating and sleeping with who I wanted when I felt like it. But now that I am back home and feel like I am more reserved again or even ashamed of wanting to maybe hook up with people.

I really want to get over this feeling as I felt so much better and freer just living without all those thoughts abroad. I was working there too, so it wasn’t like i was on a holiday and was just in a different mood. But I guess I was away from most people I know and lived in a pretty big city.

I just really want to feel as free as I did there. It makes dating and meeting new people so much more relaxed!

1 comment
  1. You did not mention what the two countries are, but I’m guessing your home country is far more conservative and reserved about sex and dating. The other issue is that your perception of your home country is anchored by your experiences growing up there.

    Maybe you need to change some of the “scenery” e.g. live in a different city for a bit, or at least in a different part of the city.

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