As someone who is highly sensitive I naturally care a lot, but it’s to the point where it’ll take up 99% of my thoughts and i can’t take my mind of it. If someone makes me upset, even the slightest I’ll have a hard time letting go of it in my mind. How do I stop caring? Or just care less? I don’t understand why my brain makes it matter so much to me.

  1. Can you give an example? Are we talking about comments on your character, or starving children in Africa?

    I rarely get upset. I suppose people rarely comment negatively on my character, but even if they did, I am well aware that they don’t know enough about me to make a good assessment, nor do I know enough about their state that I can assume that their assessment is objective. As such, I’m willing to learn and improve from such comments, but they’re rarely worth overanalysing.

  2. Ask yourself something honestly. Why do you need constant validation from people ? You are essentially the emperor without clothes. You expect people to keep respecting you when there is actually nothing to respect about you. You don’t even respect yourself. You know this, and others know it as well. But All you do is worry about other people instead of worrying about important things in your life. You know what it takes to get better in your life, but instead of putting in the time and effort to do so, you need other people to essentially keep lying to you. In short, you need people to keep telling you comforting lies rather than dealing with the uncomfortable realities. This is your mindset when you seek validation.

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