What’s your take on a partner who goes clubbing?

  1. I do too, so I would obviously not have a problem with them doing it.

    And anyone who had an opinion on me going clubbing would no longer be my partner.

  2. Not for me and my husband.

    But maybe okay for someone else, if they and their partner have their own understanding.

  3. Be my guest, but invite me too. If you’re going to a place with music I like, I wanna dance too 🙂

  4. Is the partner:
    a) unemployed (hence all the extra energy)
    b) enjoying dancing with other people (looking to cheat)
    c) still young? (Who goes clubbing over the age of 25?)

  5. Not my thing but absolutely happy for my partner to go without me because they love to dance, as do their friends. What’s a relationship without trust?

  6. I like to go clubbing and I probably wouldn’t date someone who doesn’t want to go with me.

  7. I don’t want to go myself, but if they’re fine with me staying home, who cares? It’s an activity.

  8. For me it depends on the partner tbh. I had an ex that cheated on me when he would go out and i suspected it for awhile before finding out and i always felt uncomfortable with him going clubbing without me being there, my intuition knew something was off.
    My current partner however LOVES to dance but i don’t always want to go out so he just knew to keep me very in the loop about when and where he’ll be and who with (without me ever even asking) and because he’s so forward about it i’m very comfortable with him clubbing without me.

    Tldr: I really think it comes down to how much trust you have in a relationship.

  9. I don’t feel like them clubbing or not clubbing would factor into the relationship, i like clubbing, i go with or without my partner. He likes clubbing, he goes with or without me. If he didn’t like clubbing i just wouldn’t go with him

  10. This was one of the last things my now-XH started doing before we split. I was 4 months pregnant with our second child when he started doing this; our 6yo was disabled. He was a ballroom dance instructor and was going out with co-workers.

    I wouldn’t have minded him going out maybe once a month, but doing it every Friday night was excessive. He was coming home after 6 AM with pictures of drunk girls on his phone and stories about how they were hitting on him and he was valiantly turning them down. Like he wanted me to be grateful or something. (Spoiler alert: he later cheated and had previously cheated.)

    I later found out that his co-workers were super uncomfortable with him joining them, knowing he had a pregnant wife and disabled kid at home, but he had sworn up and down that I was fine with it. They were livid with him when they found out he lied.

    I have another friend whose wife’s clubbing was the beginning of the end of their relationship, so I know I’m not the only person this has happened to.

    Anyhow, I could see a rare couple being okay with one partner clubbing while the other stays home, but they’re probably the exception.

  11. I’m not really into clubbing, so I wouldn’t want to date someone who wanted a partner to go clubbing with them. If they were happy to go on their own or with friends and didn’t do anything shady, I wouldn’t care.

  12. Yucky crowds of people squished together in the dark with deafening music, blinding spotlights, headache inducing strobes, awful smells, and illicit substances…

    I wouldn’t want a partner who had a hobby that I detested so thoroughly. My partner and I are much happier to go for a walk holding hands and enjoying nature than clubbing; and I like it that way.

  13. We probably wouldn’t be compatible. I’m more of a home body. A bar is fine, or going to a club for a bachelor party or special occasion is one thing. But I feel like I’ve aged out of regular clubbing and don’t really want to be with someone who goes regularly. I’d rather snuggle in and watch a movie on a Saturday night.

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