So, recently (Christmas) my cousin came to visit for the holidays. And I haven’t seen her for about a year. We hung out for a weekend with my sister, and she mostly is talking to my sister and asking her questions. I talk too here and there and try to get involved, but she vibes more with my sister it seems and doesn’t mind not talking to me. I asked for her Instagram and she initially said she doesn’t use it much, but once she landed back home in Wyoming she decided to add me. So, it feels like it’s out of pity or something. Idk, what do you guys think? Delete her or keep her? Cuz it might look like I care too much too if I delete her, so plz help lol

  1. Just accept? It’s really not that big of a deal. If she doesn’t use it you’ll forget you have her on it anyway

  2. Don’t be petty, my guy she’s your cousin not some thot acting hard to get 😂😂😂

  3. You’re the only one that decided it was out of pity. Maybe she decided she should use Instagram more! Don’t overthink things like this

  4. Probably not personal. I do the same thing with snapchat. I keep meaning to delete it so I tell people I’m not active when they ask for it. Then I can’t bring myself to actually delete it and I get bored so I end up searching for and adding the people I said no to. Rinse and repeat.

  5. Go touch some grass and hang out with people. You are too in your head. If you start hanging out with more people and stop overanalyzing people’s behavior so much little nonexistent things won’t bother you.

  6. I don’t think you should remove her. Maybe it’s not as deep as you think, try talking to her if this situation makes you feel bad.

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