What exactly does that mean?

Why would anybody be interested in a stereotype like that?

I genuinely don’t understand it.
I should also probably mention I was bullied by the finance bro culture as a teenager, so this is upsetting and frustrating to me.

  1. ‘Finance bros’ are generally confident, smart (sometimes) with making/spending money, techy, well dressed, rich, and often cocky. That is those girls type.

  2. How are you able to identify the finance bro culture that bullied you but not identify what finance bro means?

    Must be one of those Cornell kids 😂

  3. Those particular girls are attracted to guys that are ambitious, opportunistic, charming, ruthless, dominating, utterly immoral and highly educated wannabe finance masters of the universe.

    The Jeff Skilling types that bring boom & bust, mass lies, elaborate financial frauds, aggression, lucrative corruption and billions to the business world.

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