Recently I’ve noticed in my relationships both friends and romantic interests I feel like I’m the only one that ever puts in effort or reaches out I feel like if I never tried to reach out again every one would just fade away

  1. There are certain positive things people look for in friends. Things like:
    1) Fun
    2) Easy to talk to
    3) Positive/not a downer
    4) Has some social energy
    5) Humor

    You don’t need to be an expert in ALL of those things. But having one or two of them would help make you someone people want to hang out with. Do you have any of them?

    If YOU were someone else, and looking to meet someone or become their friend, would YOU pick “Current You?”

  2. I think I get where you are coming from OP. I too have often been disappointed at the lack of “social effort” from others. Sadly, I think a lot of people have a kind of minimal definition of relationships, and they are either happy with that or else they really don’t realize that relationships could be richer and more fulfilling.

    FL-Irish is certainly correct that it’s important to “put your best foot forward,” but don’t get too down on yourself–(“bother” is pretty strong). In my experience, it’s an ongoing search for the relatively small number of people who you click with and who have a deeper sense of relationships.

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