My boyfriend is a spiritual guy and he treats me amazing. I truly care about him and he’s been so kind patient and just genuine with me

But I noticed he reads a lot of books on energy, spirituality, masculine and feminine energy and psychology. I asked him to share the books with me and he gladly does and even will read them to me when we’re cuddling in bed and I enjoy them

The other day I was having a really bad day and was an emotional wreck from work and an argument he and I had and family drama happening. I was sitting with him and he was very sympathetic, emotional with me and supportive and I honestly wasn’t receiving it…I was so lost in my own head and emotions I pushed him away most of that moment and I was in a mental emotional spiral

After about 30 minutes he said he would have to switch styles, he closed his eyes and said I have to be like earth.

When he did that, I literally could feel his vibe body language and emotions change. It wasn’t negative or rude. But she switched from being very gentle and emotional, to being more direct, dominant and decisive with me,. In the middle of my emotional turmoil, he gently grab my face and told me you’re not dealing with this alone and we’re not going to stay here. I’ve got you just chill and we’ll get through this together. He then lead me during the day and I felt almost immediately better

He didn’t ask me how I was feeling, he wasn’t trying to be emotional with me, he was very masculine and direct, but also still kind and gentle, but in a very masculine way

I immediately had everything in my head clear out, and I wasn’t feeling that spiral anymore which confused me

In 20 minutes it seem like everything was just all right and I can just rest in him in with him

A couple hours later I asked him what he did, and he told me that he understood that at that moment I needed stability like earth, and he changed his vibe to more than masculine earth style

I have no idea what that means, and I’m still trying to process it, but it was a subtle but noticeable change, but it was exactly what I needed when I needed it

What was that?

  1. He just read you and knew that you needed to be lead.. You can call it manipulation if you like. Or him being able to adapt a persona that was more suited to your situation.

  2. So I’ve been meditating a bit the past few years and reading a lot of material relating to spirituality. Those who venture into this kind of thing have a state of no mind which is without ego. Where he has unidentified with his cultural conditioning. In this state you become very aware and acute to emotions within and exterior to yourself.

    It seems to be that a calm pastoral approach he had to help you didn’t seem to work, so he simply adopted a more direct tone of voice which is aimed towards problem solving. I do it quite a lot but I’m not too sure what he meant by being like earth, seems to of come from the teachings he has read. Which is something to be careful of, western culture has twisted eastern teachings a lot to make people buy crystals and believe in energies and what not.

    It all comes from a base understanding that pain is projected by the mind in the form of past pain and future anxieties, which is all fictitious within ourselves, once we realise this we can clearly see a way out

  3. Not really crazy. From an energy perspective he became a Grounding conduit.

    If your energy is anxious and frenetic and you are spiraling caught in an emotional loop then having a solid slow energy earth like presence will draw the energy and slow down the frenetic energy.

    Kind of like being so drunk in bed and the room is spinning then putting a foot on the floor.

    There is even a technique where people walk outside barefoot to ground themselves.

    It’s cool your BF got that and readjusted his consciousness to catch you. It’s a very real thing.

  4. I’m no hippy but ill have what he’s having. He seems very in control of his emotions and in tune with other peoples. A skill id like to learn to do better. Maybe with less “earth style jitsu activate!” But none the less I think it’s super intriguing. Could you let us know some of the books he uses?

  5. He realized you were emotionally compromised so he began his manipulative abuse. So you learn that you can only get calm from his presence, and you won’t leave when he starts financially and emotionally abusing you.

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