how do I move on from someone falling out of love with me

I(21f) was dating my bf (22m) for about a year and a half until we started having problems a month ago, issues about how he’d never put in enough effort to meet me even close to halfway and then i ended things
But then i realised I really want to have him in my life so i told him I wanted to get back together and we were together for a while until he said that he doesn’t feel the same way about me, isn’t excited to see me anymore and broke up with me
I am very much in love with him but I’m having hard time dealing with the fact that he fell out of love from me even though I know i should just accept it
How do I make it easier? Looking for some advice or motivation to move on from this

tldr how do I get over someone who fell out of love with me even though I still love them and hold out hope that maybe things will become right once again since it was a really great relationship

  1. Think to yourself “why should I want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with me?” That’s what helped me.

  2. Think “how can I make myself somone would want to fall on love with?”

    What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?

    Make yourself as attractive a proposition as possible. This will help you get over the break up as you take back control – these are the things you can fix, and you are.

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