Broke up with my last partner (4 months ago) because I moved abroad and life was uncertain.

We used to talk everyday in a very emotionally intimate manner; not the way two casual friends would talk. Her coping mechanism was to find someone else to love. In the past 4 months, she found at least 3 people to love and break up with. I used to be on the other end of the phone listening to her cry. However, after I found life wasn’t a too uncertain and I could make this relationship work, she didn’t accept my proposal to date each other. However, on a daily basis, we used to say how much we love each other. I figured it was getting a bit toxic, not conducive for me to move on.

So, I came back to the country to meet her and say one last goodbye and commence no contact and the process of getting over her. She agreed to meetup when I told her about it a week ago, but today, she texted saying she won’t be meeting me. When I asked her the reason, she said, she never loved me and I happened to be the kind of support she needed at that point but not anymore. She ended up saying very mean things which I wished she never said and even more, I wish they aren’t true.

Either way I feel even I don’t want to meet her anymore because the things she said. I wanted to treat this breakup with even more respect and compassion than the relationship but her definition of love is that “two people who love each other never leave”. I feel this is extremely unhealthy for my next relationship. Even till the day I told her about the last meetup, my heart was filled with love for her, I wanted to do this because I feel I am young(24) and should move on.

Nonetheless I am super sad about how all of it is coming to an end.

PS : I write this with my keyboard drenched in tears!

  1. Hey man I hear you. My last relationship ended with my ex coming back after a five month break to completely cut ties with me. No closure, no emotion. I’m guessing she tried to cut it cleanly but failed. I really do hope you find some time for yourself to build and figure things out.

    I know it hurts but it will pass. I don’t know the extent of your relationship so part of me wants to believe she did care for you and tried to act cold to keep her emotions in check.

    Either way hope you get some much needed time alone. Take care dude.

  2. This absolutely breaks my heart cuz i can 100% relate…was with my ex for 8years on and off, i moved out of state in 2018 and thats when everything went downhill…he put me through hell, saying he wasnt happy cuz he needed physical touch and more and i couldnt give it to him cuz i wasnt there..he proceeded to tell me things that he lnow would hurt me and at that point i started losing trust…we officially broke up in 2020, i cut him off completely after he hurt me so bad i ended up in the hospital from the depression/stress…christmas eve (2yrs ago today) and we just stayed friends talking and gaming like we used to but, even after having several conversations about not being able to date due to the distance, we still say we love eachother too…but lately hes been really distant and i fear the worst..ever since he put me through hell, my mind cant control itself when it comes to him, especially if we havent talked in days..its extremely hard and ik i have to move on..some people just dont understand that if they tell you they love you and act the complete opposite, that can cause so much mental damage…but i hope things get better for you

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