How do you recover from losing 1000+ comment karma in a year?

  1. If karma was a concern, I think I would curb the behavior that prompts people to downvote. I wouldn’t post on subreddits that are *obviously* aligned against my opinions, and I’d avoid trolling or pot-stirring.

    Edit after creeping: it appears you’re fixated on posting about a particular set of opinions that today’s society doesn’t find favorable. If you’re concerned with certain issues and discussions about them, while also concerned about karma, then you should find the proper subreddits for those discussions.

  2. Oh how very tragic. You should just delete Reddit and move on, this is irreparable! Oh woah is you, I cannot imagine how devastated you must be from this calamity! 1000 karma! That’s like 1000 dollars! Oh the humanity!

    You did just fine without karma before you came on Reddit, I’m sure you’ll live.

  3. Your posts reek of desperation with no positive outcome going forward with continuous posts like this one.

    Be a better human.

  4. I didn’t know what this was until a month or so ago.

    “If no fuck was given in the beginning then no fuck will be taken in the end “

  5. I got curious and saw some of your comments and DUDE!!! Your really need to chill out! Stop taking stuff so personally and don’t engage in every debate trying to impose and idea to others. It’s not worth the energy nor the time.

  6. There are a few steps you can take to recover from losing 1000+ comment karma in a year:

    Take a break from commenting for a while. This will allow you to regroup and come back with a fresh perspective and renewed energy.

    Reflect on why you lost the comment karma. Did you engage in toxic behavior or violate any community guidelines? If so, try to identify and address any negative habits or behaviors you may have had.

    Focus on adding value to the discussions you participate in. Instead of trying to score points with your comments, focus on contributing useful information or insights to the conversation.

    Engage in positive discussions with others. Look for opportunities to engage in constructive debates or discussions with others rather than getting into arguments or fights.

    Don’t worry too much about your comment karma. While it can be frustrating to lose it, it’s important to remember that it’s just a number and not a reflection of your worth as a person. Focus on contributing to the community in a positive way, rather than trying to get attention or recognition.

  7. I’ll tell you how I recovered from losing 50k karma in an instant.

    I got so pissed I punched a donkey into a suborbital trajectory. The Russians thought it was an incoming American ICBM and prepared to retaliate in kind. Realizing my rashness, I brute-forced the Pentagon’s networks and ordered an F-15 armed with an ASAT missile to shoot down the donkey. Mission successful. Russia shrugged and invaded Ukraine instead.

    To think about the magnitude of my error, I retreated to a remote monastery in an undisclosed location in the mountains of Bhutan. I achieved all four jhanas in about fifteen minutes and was high-fived by the Dalai Lama. I went back to the USA and teamed up with Joe Biden to end racism. I realized I was losing touch with reality by that point.

    Then I logged off Reddit and got on with my life.

  8. I actively look for pro-hogwarts threads to post JK Rowling is a transphobic author I won’t support. It was the best way to lose hundreds and hundreds of karma on and I don’t regret it in the slightest

  9. You have over 25k karma. I’d probably not care in the slightest. I have 22k and sometimes get downvoted to oblivion (normally when I post a contrary opinion in more conservative subs). I don’t care. Never have cared about my karma once I got past that first 50 or so and could post in all the subs I want to.

  10. First, I’d realize that Reddit karma points are meaningless and then I wouldn’t give a damn.

  11. That’s when you start contemplating suicide.

    j/k, I wouldn’t even notice losing 1k comment karma. NOr would I really care if I did. Do people even care about Reddit karma?

  12. You get over it? Personally the karma system is an absolute joke anyways, it’s a tool to get you to follow the hive mentality or lose your precious nothing. It’s a clever idea to get people that care about it to buckle to the majority.

  13. Can’t tell you how many times my comment gets removed, people call me names, this or that. You just gotta stop giving a shit and be you.

  14. Karma doesn’t do shit, the mods are what you need to worry about, my old account got banned because they are just neck beard pedos damn near like on discord and only care about women, if they’re gonna be right or whatever the fuck goes through their chimp brain.

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