So I (26f) had sex with my partner (35m) about a week and a half ago. We used a condom and he did not ejaculate. We only had sex for a little under a minute.

I even asked him to blow up the condom like a balloon after because I wanted to make sure it hadn’t broken. The condom stayed inflated for a moment, and I even squished it a once to make sure.

Yesterday morning, my period came a few days earlier than usual and was a browner color. I put my menstrual cup in, but that night, I changed it and nothing else was there. And today, nothing. My periods usually don’t do this. This has caused me to worry.

If it was only for less than a minute and he did not ejaculate, is there a probability I could have gotten pregnant? If there was a small hole in the condom, small enough to not detect with it inflated, is there any way his pre ejaculate have possibly gone through a small hole and gotten me pregnant?

I also had a pet death and have been freaking out about the sex if that stress could have contributed to me barely having one day of a period.

I thought I was ready to have sex but I quickly realized I am not. I am not in the right headspace with my anxiety and will not be having sex again anytime soon. I had a sex related trauma that I thought I had gotten over but I haven’t. I know I am being irrational. Please do not be rude in the comments. I understand this is a mental health thing.

  1. Stress can be a factor but get a pregnancy test to make sure. Last month my period was late by 5 days, took a test after 3 days to be sure, not pregnant, then my period came. Sometimes it’s right on time, sometimes is a bit early or late for me. Get a test to give yourself some peace of mind.

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