I’m curious on how many men will only date someone if they think it could be lifelong or if they ever look just for casual…

  1. I’ll never look for a life partner again.

    But that doesn’t mean it is just for the fun stuff. Companionship can include good and bad and still not be planning forever.

  2. I date someone because I’m interested in her, because I’d like to see if there is a future with her, it’s fun along the way.

  3. Expecting to find a “life partner” is setting yourself up for failure.

    Getting out of the common misconception of life partner is the first thing that needs to be addressed before ever even going on a date.

    Going on a date *should* be about enjoying that time and learning about someone
    Learning if/when/how good/bad the sex will be.

  4. I date with the intent of marriage, if I don’t feel like dating I just find a FWB for casual fun and sex.

  5. I never dated casually. The idea of being in this directionless relationship felt like literal torture to me. I told my wife I would either break up with her in one month or propose to her in six, and I followed through. I want to fucking vomit as I type that shit out cuz what sort of turbodouche says that to a woman?! Anyways, we’re nominally happy after 3 years so whatever.

  6. When I got out of my 4 year relationship at 18. Just sex and partying. I’m almost 27 and I want to settle down and find someone.

  7. I date as long as I see a possible future. When I feel that things aren’t working out I just end it. I’m comfortable without a GF and don’t date to just have someone around.

  8. When I was single, long term relationships were not an option for me. I was not interested. I would end relationships when they lasted too long or took on a bus of being serious.

    Then I met this one woman and all those boundaries were shattered. I very quickly realized that I was in trouble since she challenged everything about my life and my beloved bachelorhood, resulting in me just tumbling head over heels. I wound up marrying her and am still overjoyed with how our relationship derailed my life and set me in a whole new direction.

  9. Dating for the “fun stuff” is something I actively avoided in the past because I knew it was a complete waste of time and would lead to hurt feelings, emotional trauma, etc. Issue was I wasn’t getting laid enough, and when I did it was unfulfilling hook ups.

    So I’ve been casually dating ever since, mostly out of boredom/desire for companionship and sex. But realized my reasons for avoiding it previously were 100% on point. It’s a waste of time for both parties, and fucks both people up emotionally when things come to an end.

    Now I’ve swung back a little in the other direction. Dating with intention is the right move.

  10. I don’t understand the dichotomy between lifelong and casual.

    It’s not one or the other. You can date someone seriously and have no particular expectations for the future. Just live in the moment.

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