
  1. A girl at my work chews gum everyday and chomps it’s obnoxiously loud even while she’s talking to you

  2. The cry of a human infant, mixed with an adult snoring, at 3:00am.

    3:00 specifically. It was the second or third feeding of the night. It was the dead of night, when all I wanted to do was stay asleep. Even in my party days, 3:00 was too late. I knew I was in for something uncomfortable (breastfeeding), followed by something unpleasant (diaper change), followed by something difficult (get the baby back to sleep).

    And the *snoring?* My ex-husband was sleeping through it!

    (Luckily, the kid’s 15 now and sleeps through the night, I’ve remarried to a husband who treats my sleep as sacred, and I never have to do the newborn stage again)

  3. One of my best friends new… I guess boyfriend talk about anything. He has the most unlikeable characteristic to me, he’s an expert in everything.

  4. This fucking kid at the beach the other day screaming about 6 feet away from me at his brother who’d gone too far out on a kayak. Full on, loudest he could muster, *screaming*. That shrill, awful, kid scream, where it sort of rattles in the back of their throat, “**MITCHELL!!!! MIIIITCHEL! MIIIIITCHELLLLLLL!!!”**

    His fucking mum was standing right near him, completely unconcerned that her kid was bothering a whole bunch of people. Mitchell was already fucking rowing back towards the shore. He was on his fucking way back, but still…


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