I’m a female. On Wednesday December 21st. I kissed a boy. I was high and when I get high things happen. I had recently been std tested in November after having intercourse over the summer. Herpes 1&2 was on the test panel. Everything came back negative I was happy. So I saw this boy on Sunday and then Again on Wednesday no cold sores or anything around his mouth. He also explained to me that he hadn’t had any cold sores or anything around his mouth ever. We decided not to go further along from kissing. So we kissed and then we started talking. He explained to me that he tested positive for chlymadia (idk how to spell it) and that he had taken a pill and that it was gone. He told me that he got tested at his college but didn’t know the test panel and that the school called him and told him he had chlymadia. So I’m getting a lot of anxiety for a few reasons. Him and I kissed multiple times over the summer and I even gave him oral sex like 3 times over the summer and after months of that I got tested. The thing is he could’ve gotten in at school easily. Also I just want to know like with no cold sores or anything how likely is my chance of getting hsv 1. I know everyone in the comments is gonna say everyone has it and all of that but I didn’t have it when I got tested and I don’t believe that he has it. I know people live with it and I’m okay with living with it honestly it’s just should I be worried that I have it from him. He truly dosent believe that he has had it and I’m just paranoid because when I got std tested in November it honestly scared the crap out of me. How do people who have hsv1 not transfer it to their partners when kissing? I honestly feel like from the way we kissed that it wouldn’t have been transferred. I know the symptoms and signs of hsv 1 and I’ve been monitoring myself very very closely. Along with noticing if I get sick due to my immune system. I’ve talked to people who’ve had std and people say that a lot of people can’t tell but from what I’ve heard everytime they found out they noticed something was different or wrong with their Body. It’s also kinda annoying too because like it possibly wouldn’t have shown up on a test up until 3 months after the incident. I can’t be scared/ not live for three months. I have to keep telling myself that he dosent believe that he has herpes and he had no cold sores and when you kiss someone with cold sores that’s when it’s the most contagious. What should I do? I need opinions!! Please don’t be rude about it I’m just asking before I cause my self to have a panic attack due to this.

  1. So, he has no symptoms, you have no symptoms… what are you worried about? Yes, there is a risk you can get HSV from kissing, but there is just as much risk as sharing a cup. Even if you go get it, like I do, it’s not a death sentence. There is medication to control it, and even if you don’t use it, the biggest risks are when you have an active coldsore.

  2. I have herpes on the mouth, it literally is just getting a cold sore for a week once per year or less.

    So overrated.

    edit: also, according to google literally more than half of the planet has it. Always hilarious when people act shocked when I tell them I have it.

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