men of reddit, have you ever questioned why an attractive woman was interested in you or what was it that made you attractive to them?

  1. Absolutely. I don’t consider myself to be particularly physically attractive and I’m not very social (funny though, apparently).

  2. Yes, almost every time. But I’ve learned that it often has less to do with how attractive someone is and is more about whether you fit their type, which is a roll of the dice really.

  3. Yeah, all the time.

    I’ve got a heavy case of PTSD and it gives me an unflinching and merciless inner critic that I can never convince that I’m not an irredeemably awful specimen of humanity.

    So … when someone thinks I’m attractive, I question their lapse of good taste. If someone says they love me I think they are an unreliable judge of character.

    Objectively, I know this isn’t true. I’ve never had a problem attracting partners. But do I always get kind of surprised, or plagued with self doubt? Yeah, all the time.

  4. Everytime. And not to brag but I do seem to bat outside my league on a regular basis. But then I remember that my encyclopedic knowledge of the Star Wars universe is something really really special.

  5. Every time I look over at my wife I question why a beautiful, smart, amazing woman like her was interested in me.

  6. Yes I literally still don’t understand how I landed my wife, who is objectively way hotter than me. In fact, she’s so hot that when I found out she was equally attracted to me I thought she must have some pretty fucked up trauma to make her so desperate to settle for my ass.

    Turns out I’m the fucked-up one with the shitty self-esteem

  7. Nope. Never questioned why an attractive woman has been interested in me.

    Reason is that no woman has ever been interested in me.

  8. Yes. I was so confused as to why this girl was attracted to me, and why she actually agreed to date me. But when she pretty much ghosted me a month later, it all came together. I still don’t know what happened, but I was expecting it.

  9. I questioned it when she first told me she was attracted to me as 1. She and I have a huge age gap and she said that it’d bother her at first if we dated. 2. We we’re best friend’s for over 4 years and she always told me she saw me as a brother. I was shocked when she actually confessed to me she had feelings for me. Took awhile to process that. Fast forward to now though, we’re dating and we’re happy so I guess it all worked out in the end. She’s amazing.

  10. Every single time, like, how is it possible? Im barely average, am i dead and this is heaven, or am i in hell and it all will start to go down in chaos and suffering in around a week

  11. at first yes with the first woman i dated who i considered very attractive, but then it’s like ok she is naked spread eagle on my bed bent into a pretzel i guess she might like me, at least a little bit lol.

  12. Yes. I had fwb situation for about 6 months with the sexiest woman I’ve ever had the pleasure to see naked. I’m not ugly, but I don’t think I’m anywhere near her level of attractiveness, so I often wondered what she saw in me. Especially because I’m also very introverted and not particularly funny, which is the top thing women tend to want in men (though less relevant for fwb, I guess).

  13. Nope. Once I started working out and getting muscle definition I had enough hard proof that most women are just as shallow and focused on looks as most of us men. There was no need to question, it’s undeniably my muscles that bring the girls to the yard.

    Now with that said, the looks are the bait, it’s my brain, creativity and passion(s) that keep them coming back. I can build or fix just about anything, which seems to captivate women and children almost as much as when I play a musical instrument. I’m married now but even my wife still will get lost in the moment watching me do any of those things

  14. As a gay guy, I’d question it all the time. But it would usually happen when I was in predominantly straight bars and I guess I was dressed like all the other dudes in there. Really pretty girls would compliment my watch, or start up some small talk about where I work, and it was only about halfway when their starry-eyed optimism turned to “Oh, never mind.” I imagine this is how well-adjusted straight men feel being hit on by a guy; a compliment is a compliment.

  15. So many times.

    Even to the extent where a convinced myself that a girl who flirted with me and made some really very obvious hints that she was interested (and I had a massive crush on too) was just winding me up. I figured that she was so far out of my league that she was juat tormenting me

    Found out years later that no, she was very serious about it.

  16. Nope, never questioned it. I was happy if any girl was interested in me!?!

    Actually, when wifey let me know she was interested, I was surprised. She was my ideal woman, 5′ 2″, 120#, long dark hair and very pretty and to confirm men are pigs, just the right ratio of boobage to buttage.

    She said what attracted her to me was my command presence, she said, “I wish you could see yourself when you’re commanding your Marines.” We met and married while serving in the Marine Corps.

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