So I recently moved to a small-ish but heavily traveled town. I swiped on Hinge in my first few nights, and decided to go on a date just for funzies with this guy about 3 weeks ago.

The date was AMAZING — one of my best first dates ever. We went for a hike, made dinner, and he ended up staying the night.

My expectations with dating are so low now I was assuming that would be it. But, sometimes life surprises you! We text every day, talking about our days and sharing photos. Since our first date, we’ve been spending 2ish nights a week together, and one daytime date.

In public he’s affectionate, holding hands and whatnot. The sex is great. Snuggles are too. We are having a ton of fun together!

I don’t want to see anyone else and would like to throw my hat in the ring of having a relationship with this man.

But here’s the thing — we both just moved here in the last few months, and he just started a new job. Should I give this more time — or be upfront?

Really, there is no rush…simultaneously this feels like a relationship, and I don’t want to continue getting attached if he’s not interested in a relationship.


  1. I suggest being up front sooner rather than later. Sounds like you want to ask him if he’s looking to have a monogamous relationship. Maybe start asking them about his relationship goals. What he looks for in a relationship etc

  2. You’re fucking him. Be upfront. It looks like he’s still keen, so it’s not like he was going to do a bang and run. That’s a good indicator he would be open to something more exclusive. But be prepared if he says he wants to keep it casual until he sorts out his job situation too.

  3. Talk to him. Communication is a key. You can’t live on assumptions and guess work. Just tell him how you see it and let him know he can take his time before coming back to you with answer. Good luck 🤞

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