Idk what to do. It was about 45 minutes ago, and now they’re really red and they burn and itch. He swears he gets tested regularly and is clean, I get tested regularly. I rinsed my eyes with water and then my contact solution a couple of times, so they aren’t as red anymore but they still burn.

Will it go away in a day or so, or should I go to an Urgent Care tomorrow? I’m worried and can’t fall asleep because of it.

  1. This is very normal, it has something to do with the sperm recognizing what the eye is made out of as ovaries, it’s pretty wack. I accidentally came in my ex’s eye once and it was burning, she washed it out and it got better over the next day or so, don’t sweat it 🙂

  2. Sperm is highly alkaline and can burn the eyes. This is to be expected.

    However, if he doesn’t have testing paperwork and can only give you his word on it, then I think you should go to the doctor if it doesn’t go away within a few days. There are certain STIs that can actually cause blindness if ejaculate gets into your eyes. Never just take someone at their word when they say that they are clean.

  3. Don’t imagine that the feeling is from the little spermies trying to swim into your eyeballs. That somehow makes it worse.

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