What are the most common mistakes people make during first phase of dating?

  1. The most common mistakes people make during the first phase of dating are rushing into things, not being honest about their feelings, and not taking the time to get to know each other.

  2. Rushing things because their friends are already “ahead of them”.

    That’s not how it works.

  3. Jumping into it expecting to be between Tier 5 and Tier 15 right off the bat. You gotta start at Tier 1, which is hugging.

  4. Giving away all power in relationship to someone who was complete stranger not too long ago, in desperate attempt to accept and love you.

  5. Not paying enough attention to reality because they’re too absorbed by scenarios they’re imagining.

  6. Pretending to be someone they are not or to like things they do not. If you like someone don’t pretend you love Toby Keith just because they do. Don’t all of a sudden buy a Dolphins jersey and want to watch games when you don’t like sports. Don’t pretend to want to know the latest gossip when you don’t care what their friends do. Be yourself

  7. People make bad bets. I will get hate and perhaps I deserve it. Way more than half of people are undatable. If you have 3 or more kids, debt, or the biggest is a bad attitude. I was a bad bet. Wife could have had a much better life. I am grateful but her dad really should have kicked me ass.

  8. +1 for rushing. Rushing to the finish line(doesn’t exist). You only get one time per person to go through the discovery phase.

  9. I think rushing into things, and falling for her too quickly is that most common for guys

  10. Remember, you’re not dating her the first few months, you’re dating her representative.

  11. trying to live up to the idea of who they think you are. When you realise its not what you want they’ll start losing interest.

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