This is a good one so get ready. We were together for 3 years. Seemingly out of nowhere, she started talking about this girl she was friends with. I dont know if infidelity was involved but she was open about it so I dont think so. She broke up with me because she thought she wanted to be with a 30 year old female and that she was bisexual. We spent a week talking and eventually she chose the other person.

During these 2 months she would call me multiple times a week, every time saying it was the last. I never tried calling her because I was healing and trying to get past what happened. One night she calls me over to her place and we get intimate and she tells me that she’s done with the other person and that she has made a huge mistake and wants to go back to how it was.

Without all the details, their relationship was no good so I feel like she basically just fell back to me. She says she really wants to try again. She saw a doctor saying that she’s bipolar and she’s on medication now, she blames a lot of what happened on being bipolar and not having it in check.

I dont know what to do, I feel like I shouldn’t get back with her but I do love her. Things with us are so good other than her pulling that bullshit. Idk if it’s crazy that I’m even considering her and I getting back together. I want to but I feel like one day she could do the same thing again or something.

Thanks for reading any advice is appreciated.

Tl;dr my gf left me for another girl and wants to be with me because she thinks I’m the one for her now.

  1. I think you are a fool if you get back with her. You are her plan B. What makes you think she won’t do that to you again. I’m pretty sure she cheated before she broke up with you.

  2. Being in a relationship with someone who is bipolar is very difficult. Since she has dumped you and now wants to get back together, I don’t think it will be worth the effort.

  3. You haven’t healed yet. It should take you well over a year to start to heal.

    Based on what you have said, there is basically no chance of a stable, non-toxic, trustworthy relationship with her.

    Ignore your history for a second (sunk cost fallacy) and ask yourself what kind of partner and relationship that you want.

    Reliability and safety are important

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