Aside from the timing and ages of both parties aligning, what are some character traits/habits in the other person that spark the idea of a potentially meaningful, long-lasting connection?

  1. Well, being interested in you for one. Also, get rid of this idea of ‘zones’ from your head. it’s as if you’re compartmentalizing women based on what they can provide for you emotionally / sexually. They’re people like everyone else, talk to them, get to know them and see if there’s any compatibility. You’ll know when it feels right.

  2. For me, there are a lot of things. Loyalty is a big one. Being affectionate. But a sense of humor was an ABSOLUTE must. If we can’t laugh together, what’s the point? She’s really smart/intelligent and throw in a sense of humor, and she leaves me gasping and hacking for breath sometimes. She has a rapier wit.

  3. If we get along together, and our disagreements do not become attacks. If we can be in silence together, comfortable without anything having to be said. If she shows interest in my hobbies, even if she doesn’t participate in them. If her values and life goals align with mine

  4. Having plans for the future and working towards them. I don’t necessarily mean relationship plans, but more of goals on where you want to be in life. If you have that, and are actively trying to make them happen, then you can either see yourself going down that road with them, or you can’t.

  5. Her interest in joining a dated legal arrangement that was begot to insure passage of property to my male heirs… but if she has a lot of money and doesn’t want a prenup that’s cool too.

  6. Being the woman he feels most attached to the day he decides he wants to get married to someone.

    I’m not trying to be sarcastic… This is actually relevant.

  7. Some wife zone elements:
    1. She is physically attracted the man.
    2. She is sexually attracted to the man.
    3. She is co-operative and pleasant.
    4. She does not have a male bestie.
    5. She is not friends with her exes.
    6. She does not have a girl gang of friends who go to clubs for girls nights and other obvious places for hookups.
    7. She does not have girl friends who support, cover up, or encourage cheating or cheaters.
    8. She does not have a history of promiscuity or sex work.
    9. She wants to be a mother and has a nurturing and caring nature.
    10. She does not dress like someone who is encouraging negative attention from men.
    11. She will follow instructions from her man for her own protection.
    12. She does not get black out drunk, intoxicated or inebriated at parties or anywhere where she could be compromised or taken advantage of.

  8. They are are looking to be your partner not your dependent. The difference is subtle but should be noted.

    Scenario: restaurant date, bill shows up. Your wallet is in the car.

    You: *”i forgot my wallet in the car, let me run and get that”*

    (1) Her: *” hahaha you forgot it!?, your so forgetful, lol, okay I’ll wait here silly”*


    (2) Her: *”ow you forgot it? It’s okay you got last one, i got this, really sit down let’s keep talking, it’s just easier then you ruining out to the car and back silly*”

    * * * (1) is not a wife (2) is the wife. * * *

    Scenario: your car broke down on the way to event your both to attend.

    You: *”Hun, my car got a flat on the way to the concert, we aren’t going to be able to make it but you can if you Uber there. I need to change this tire or wait for AAA.”*

    (1) her: *” you already paid for the tickets and they’re non refundable! Ohh. Well, so it’s not a complete waste i should go,. I can’t help you much change tire much or only you have to be here for the AAA to get here. I’m going to try and make the best of it and try to enjoy the concert”*


    (2) her: *”oww i can’t believe our luck, well we need to figure out what to do with the car. Let’s start changing the tire, well change it or have AAA do it and either way show up late if we have to. The point is to enjoy it with you Hun. I’m not going without you.

    * * * (1) is not a wife. (2) is a wife * * *

    Notice the verbage they use to. Do they speak in the “we”, “us”, “our” terms as opposed to “you”, “me”, “I”, “my”, “your”. Did *”your car get a flat on the way to the concert and you can’t make it”* or *”did* **the** *car get a flat and we can’t go”*

    Those are two real scenarios have happened to me. I’ve had so many other that I’ve learned from. Be with someone who values your presence a whole lot more then a dinner or a concert/show. Is her attitude “ow you’re sick hun!?, stay away i don’t want to get sick”* or is it *”owe your sick, I’ll make you soup honey and don’t worry, I’ll wear a mask”*. Does she already act as a wife?

  9. For me to consider a woman to be a wife material, I need to know her past. To be sure that she has life goals, that knows how to handle herself in difficult situations, knows how to cook, that has boundaries and what are they. That’s not easy and has low body count is just the foundation. Is loyal, caring, kind and loving by nature.

    Those are the main things I look for if I plan on spending 40-50-60 years with them.

  10. ⬆️⬆️ ⬇️⬇️ ⬅️➡️ ⬅️➡️ 🅱️🅰️ 🅱️🅰️ (select)(start)

    Men are helpless against this marriage cheat code.

  11. It depends the guy, for me, it’s funny. I’m not funny, but I try. I love to laugh. Maybe likes gaming or at the very least os chill I enjoy gaming by her.

  12. I think honesty is the closest one with me bad and good it’s adorable to see them bully but accept you as a person faults and all

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