What is the most important piece of clothing to you when putting together a good outfit?

  1. The pants, Everyone sleeps on the pants

    It pulls together an outfit, The color and the fit is paramount to the rest of the outfit

    You can pull off big oversized t shirts or tight fitted t shirts or hoodies e.t.c. with pants but you cannot pull off weird plaid black pants with an otherwise nice outfit


    Edit: I’m gonna elaborate on this because other people are WRONG /s


    For me I can wear a black hoodie with dark green highlights, black pants, and my black boots and look like a grunge lord

    I change out the black pants for a deep blue and it looks great, looks normal and casual

    I change out the hoodie for a blue tshirt and it looks like a grungelord transition that hasn’t finished yet


    If you have badly fitted pants like bootcut for sneakers it’ll be the loudest part of your outfit

    I could go on and on, Pants pull everything together and I live by this.

  2. For me, it’s the top. Whether it be the sweater or shirt or even the coat if I plan on being outside most of the day. Next I choose the pants, then shoes, then outerwear. That’s usually my order

  3. Shoes. Some people say that rich people will wear casual clothes but they won’t go cheap on the shoes. I find that to be true for people with A LOT of money. Jeans and tshirt, sure no problem but they’re still going to wear their 600 dollar plus shoes.

  4. It’s the shoes

    You can wear a t-shirt and jeans with nice shoes and look great. Same outfit with old run down shoes and look like a bum

  5. My watch. Even with old gym clothes no one would think I’m a bum when wearing a nice Automatic.

  6. Shoes and it’s not close. You have a nice outfit and a ratty pair of shoes, you look bad. You have a generic outfit and a fire pair of shoes you look good.

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