Sadly we live in a world where true compassion, companionship and friendship is scarce.

If you feel like people don’t wanna interact with you for some reason (I feel that all the time), it’s most probably because they don’t see value in interacting with you.

Lemme give you an example.

I had a friend in high school who was an absolute nerd. He used to study all day, never play sports… only reading books. He was also not attractive (like me) and had a squeaky voice which many people even laughed at. No one hung out with him or did anything with him. But whenever the exam time came around, suddenly everyone start talking to him, sharing their food with him, even asking him to hangout – to get academic help from him.

Folks, the lesson is unfortunately, a lot of people will only interact with you if they find any benefit for themselves.

If you’re handsome/beautiful, you’ll be very likely to make a ton of friends. It doesn’t matter if you’re smart or not. You will have lots of friends.

If you’re not good looking but very smart, most people will only be your so called “friends” only for their benefit (such as helping them in a subject).

Even though the tone of this post has largely been negative, there are many GOOD people out there who will become your friends with no strings attached.

I, too, am on a journey to find those type of friends. The world is a cruel place, I know. But once you realize your worth, there’s nothing that can stop you! I struggle every day to carry myself knowing that I’m a fucking loner. But I try my best to not focus on that.

If you’re sad/lonely/depressed cuz no one wants to be your friend, try to not focus on it and rather invest your energy in something YOU LIKE DOING. Once you become really good at something, you’ll eventually get people chasing you. Then you can pull a big fucking UNO reverse card on society. Those people who didn’t see your value WILL COME BACK and it will be up to you to make a decision to accept them or not. See how things can change?

I believe in y’all that you’re gonna achieve big things. Let us together start on a journey of building a better person out of ourselves!

  1. This is true, and something we should strive to rise above and combat. A lot of people will claim this is a lie because it makes the world feel like a warmer place to live in than it really is.

  2. I totally believe this because I fit the category of your friend except for the exam thing

  3. So if you’re smart people want to befriend you for their benefit. And if you’re attractive people will befriend you for your attractiveness (for their benefit).

    This makes me want to limit my interaction with others.

  4. I think you are right in essence, but indeed the tone is negative. We are utilistic beings, but we also have the capacity to express compassion. The times this happens might be few or more, that can be debated, but there is a certain mindset where you can get up out of bed with the question how you can care for others. Such true compassion is in my opinion what cures this utilistic tendency of humans. Rather than saying some people are like this and some aren’t, I think it’s more realistic to say that not everyone has adopted this mindset yet. If you did, then your actions can help change this in others.

  5. But the reason people are like that is not because they are bad and the world is not warm. The reaosn is that time is limited. If I have only 1, 2 days a week to see other people, why would I spend this time with someone who has nothing to offer? I would rather spend my time with people who share my hobbies, vibe with me, who makes me happy, or wants to talk about feelings, etc. If your only addition to a friendship is being neutral, chances are people will not put you in their top priority.

  6. Think you need to clarify many things in this. To start, seems like by “most people” what you mean is those suffering with Narcissistic Personalities Disorder. Anyone who would opt to expend their energy in order to try and befriend someone purely in belief they will get them better grades and then dump that nerdy dude to the side (classic use/disuse narc behavior) not only seems less intelligent but also highly psychopathic.

  7. This is not entirely true…and here’s why! I have noticed plenty of women and men who are conventionally extremely attractive, great bodies, no disability, not assholes, and they’re entirely alone. Additionally, a lot of them are ostracized or bullied. With women, when it comes to jealousy and drama, they can ostracize and gossip and isolate each other too. Sometimes female bosses can hurt attractive female subordinates out of jealousy like snubbing them from job opportunities or mistreating them/being unnecessarily hard on them. Not sure how intense this is for men but it can be out there. Yeah the world is cruel and most people are out there for themselves. Sure attractiveness can bring many perks for many people. But I promise you, a lot of those stunning, straight 10/10 on attractiveness scale have a TOn of other issues that can often times stem from their attractiveness and make their lives extremely hard. Pretty privilege is a myth and works more as a double edged sword.

    Also life is a bitch to everyone and literally everybody deals with painful tough times.

    I do however agree with your 2nd last paragraph. Also, working on a display of confidence can go a long way

  8. I really don’t care if people are with me for their own benefit since I believe we all want to spend our time around people who cheer us up or make our days more fun. But some people show appreciation and understand what you are doing for them but some others don’t really care as long as they get what they want and it really bothers. I believe the moment we understand that others do not have any responsibility to take care of us, we become more appreciative towards their kindness. If helping other people cheers you up, set your levels of expectation since not everyone has the power to understand and respect the thing you do for them.

  9. Sorry I didn’t read all this but I first few paragraphs remind me of how many times people would befriend me in grade school just to end up asking for homework answers from me throughout the semester. Eventually, when people would try to befriend me I stopped accepting. Cause, ya know, trust issues.

  10. Compassion companionship and friendship is in itself founded in values that people find in you

  11. Wow, some good, cold, fresh advice. This is something I can clearly understand and accept. Thank you

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