So I love to read and came across a very interesting infographic:


This information shows us that the average person lives up to 79 years old – that is, 28,835 days. But we only spend 1 year and 3 days of our entire lives socializing.

In light of this, I feel that putting so much personal effort to better my social skills may be a waste of my time. is this infographic accurate, and makes sense to y’all? What do you make of any of this information?

  1. If I was bad at socializing I wouldnt have gone to a great Christmas party with friends. I wouldn’t be going on a snowboard trip to visit people across the country. I wouldn’t have the job I have now which I got through a friend

    It may be true that the actual socializing is a small slice of time out of all time in my life, but it’s a delicious fucking slice that can also make the other slices more delicious

  2. I say that some moments stick with you forever and some you’ll never think of again.

    I’ll always remember the time we stayed out all night, gave a ride home to a guy we met at a club who was done partying when his friends weren’t, then cooked burgers on the grill at 5:30AM. I’ll always remember the time I was having a really rough month, and a friend listened kindly and without judgment. I’ll always remember being in one of my best friends’ wedding. I’ll always remember a Christmas trip to the mall with friends, or visiting a dive bar with my boyfriend and his buddies. I’ll always remember some random strangers I’ve met and had great conversations with (even though I’ll most likely never see them again).

    I wont always remember time I’ve spent driving my car, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, scrolling social media, or playing video games.

    They aren’t equally weighted. There might be fewer actual moments, but they’re far more important.

  3. On the contrary, socializing is one of the most important things in life. It’s essential to being a human, and makes life fulfilling. Life is nothing without relationships. I don’t really believe in the lone wolf thing. So it’s worth every second of improvement.

  4. In addition to what everyone else is saying, the statistic is dubious.

    1/79 of a day is 18 minutes. Do you only spend 18min a day socializing? 2 hours per week? If so, you should get out more! There’s a lot of overlap in these categories that the article does not consider (e.g. you can eat, be on holiday, and socialize at the same time).

    It also says only 334 days in primary/secondary school. Even if you’re only counting 6 hours a day, `6 hours * 180 days * 12 years -> 6 * 180 * 12 = 540 days`. And what about homework?

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