pretty self-explanatory: I have never ever been in a relationship. Growing up, only three people liked me (the ones I know), and all the male friends I had were from elementary school, so that does not count. 

I don’t think I’m ugly; I would give myself a 5ish. I have hobbies, and I think I dress pretty nicely. I am in between introvert and extrovert; I don’t start conversations with random people, but if people start conversations with me, then I will carry the conversation. 

I’m sure there are plenty of people like me, and I know I’m 18; I still have time, but I honestly feel like there’s something wrong with me. What am I doing wrong? College is literally the hottest spot for hookups, and I get none of that either.

  1. A lot of people start dating in their 20s. My first kiss was at 20, and my first relationship at 21. I have a lot of friends who also started dating in their 20s. It is not about being attractive or not, I have friends who are very attractive and didn’t date until their 20s.

    You are studying. Focus on that. Dating will come on its own. But well, if you really want to date, you can always try dating apps. I met my ex in one and we were together for almost 4 years. Sometimes when you just meet people in your daily life you are not in a dating mood and don’t see them as potential partners. At least in online dating that is clear, so it’s easier that it develops into something.

  2. Decide what you want. Do you want a serious relationship? Do you just want hook ups? Do you just have physical needs? Then after you know specifically what you want you can take steps towards achieving that.

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