“Tonight I really needed you. One of Jose’s friend son followed me in the house and tried to forge me to have sex with him. I need to feel safe and I hate that you are the only one to make me feel safe. Everytime he touched me all I wanted was you. And I can’t have you.”

So what do i do like I told her she needs to contact authority and make a police report.
This is stressing me out I called her 5 times and messaged her 11 times in the last 2 hrs and no response. Last post I talked about me finally moving out and getting my own place . I left the toxic relationship and started focusing on me because it was just that bad. Do y’all think she is trying to guilt trip me ?

  1. Yup. Make sure she’s safe but maintain your distance. Remind her that you don’t want updates whenever she’s getting it on.

  2. This absolutely sounds like a guilt trip to try and trick you into getting back with her. If this assault actually took place, she needs to contact authorities. Her ignoring you is definitely telling and this story may not be true. It may be a ploy. Don’t give in. Do what’s best for you. If she needs help, there are other resources and outlets she can use.

    Be careful and good luck.

  3. She is absolutely trying to guilt-trip you.

    Look at all the attention you’ve given her because of it.

    You told her what she should do, she surely has friends or family… My advice is to block her number. She is trying to pull you back into her orbit with this. Whether or not it happened, you are not responsible for her and this is not your issue.

    It feels harsh when someone has you convinced you should be taking care of them all the time, but it is the right thing for you. You’re not a heartless asshole for ignoring her when she tries to put this shit on you. It’s manipulation.

  4. she texted that to you so you CAN be stressed out like this. so her plan worked. just block her and move on.

  5. she’s playing games, trying to get you jealous enough to meet her demands or take her back. Just ignore it. You already know she’s toxic. Better yet, block the number and let her sleep with everyone and catch whatever VD she’s gonna catch on her own

  6. Lol and she got you. It’s an X, cut ties and move on or move forward with together.

  7. It’s called Hoovering, like the vacuum she’s trying to suck you back in. Like others have said, block her on everything. She is just trying to manipulate you. What if you were dead? How would she handle the situation?

    And as a side note—any person who is thinking of an ex while getting assaulted is NUTS!

  8. Pretty sure she’s manipulating you here. Don’t give her any attention. Block her and move on. Don’t fall for her antics. It’s an obvious bullshit story to get your attention.

  9. She not only tried, she succeeded. She knew exactly what bait to use to hook you and you fell for it. 5 calls and 11 messages in two hours? Stop. Immediately. She is fine, and she isn’t your problem. She is playing you. You need to block her and move on.

  10. Say what you said and block- already has you stressing and spinning 😵‍💫… you said it yourself “ toxic and x”
    If they have access to a phone they need to call for help… they know they can’t have you so… don’t let ‘em.

  11. Oh come on man. Obvious manipulation and cry for attention. Don’t give her attention. Block her and ignore her.

  12. Block her, you already provided advice and she might be faking it to get you to get back with her

  13. Yes she is going to guilt trip you. But don’t let yourself get sucked back in. What would you do if a stranger sent you a message, asking for help because they got assaulted. Would you try finding them yourself? would you protect them yourself? No. you would call the police.

    So, go to the police yourself. show them her message and ask them if they can do a wellfare check (or something like that) on her.

  14. if she truly needed you, she would have called you right away while it was happening. instead, she texted you after the fact, making you worry that you werent there during the time frame she was struggling. now shes not answering your texts and calls, making you more concerned. this is 100% guilt tripping and creating a situation in which you need her/she accepts you back, rather than her needing you/you accepting her back.

  15. She’s trying to manipulate you by playing on your ‘hero instinct’. Google it if you’re not sure what that is.

  16. You could tell (message) her to call the cops and report him. It is what one should do in her situation. After that block her.

    If she is trying to guild-trip you she most likely won’t, which shows she is toxic (ince again). If she doubles down that he did and he is proven guilty, she will be safe because he is locked up and if he is proven innocent, she will see the consequenses of accusing him.

    Quick edit: I skipped over the part where you told her to make a police report.
    You should do no more, maybe question the so called assaulter if he did it. You stopped you relation because it was toxic. Now keep away from that toxicity

  17. This is called MANIPULATION. Don’t give her any attention, she’ll feed off that. If she was assaulted then she needs to go to the police not text you about and then do nothing. Block her OP. Don’t give her control of your emotions.

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