I’m the one who loves less in a situationship

As the title says, I’m [24m] is the one who loves less in a situationship with this girl [20f] who I met on dating app. We have been sexual with each other quite frequently for the past 6 months. We grew to be pretty romantic to each other in private as we’re both not too comfortable with PDA. Recently, she starts bringing up how we’re basically a couple and should label our relationship as such. I’m not too comfortable with it as I have some self esteem issues I want to work on before getting into a relationship.

Plus, I don’t feel like she’s the right person for me as we connect physically but not intellectually. I enjoy the time we meet in person mostly because of the sex. Otherwise, our conversations are pretty shallow and I feel like I can talk about more interesting topics with my friends. I really value connections where I can discuss stuff like this so not being able to have this with her equates to me not seeing a future with her.

She has been bringing this issue up quiet frequently lately and I shut her down every time. Every time we have this conversation, I’d end up trying to be positive and going along with how maybe over time I will be able to be on the same page with her and be a couple. On the other hand, I feel like she keeps asking me why I don’t want to be in a relationship. Despite how much I restate that I want to work on myself, that I don’t see her in my future, and that I don’t see her fitting in my life just yet, she seems to be positive about how one day I will change. It’s a little unsettling for me.

I want to keep her around since I don’t have many friends that are physically close. I learned a lot about resolving conflicts and communication in an intimate relationship with her. But also, I feel like our situationship has ran its course. I told her a few times to leave and find someone who is ready for a ltr because I can tell her it’s not me now.

Now, we’re discussing if it’s possible to set up some kinda arrangement where we can still see each other for the physical aspects without having the relationship evolve further. We’re discussing boundaries and what we expect from the other person.

I’m very worried about how this might not end well. Should I call it done here and tell her to move on?

Tldr: I love less in a situationship that has been lasting for 6 months. Sex is great but I’m not mentally ready for a relationship, plus no significant intellectual connection. Should we continue or call it done?

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