my lovely long distance girlfriend is visiting me from america, and she’s never been to the uk before. i’m going to make her a little tasting platter of foods she’s never tried before (i will get her to eat beans on toast so help me god) so i’m looking for suggestions!!

  1. Bakewell tart, Yorkshire pudding with onion gravy, steak & kidney pudding all washed down with some real ale

  2. Twiglets, Irn Bru, mince pies. Also scones – be sure to let her figure out for herself which order the jam and cream are added, then whichever way she does it tell her she’s done it the wrong way around.

  3. Chicken Tikka Masala (it’s officially the National Dish) and in loving memory of its creator who sadly died last week

  4. Bangers and mash is a simple and easy crowd pleaser, depends greatly on the quality of the sausages though. Same with a full breakfast.

  5. Canned G&T or an Ale – as an American I was amazed at the liquor selection available in grocery stores. British cheeses. Cadbury chocolate.

  6. Sticky toffee pudding, it’s my American husbands favourite! His savoury favourite being pork pies.

  7. If you’re in Scotland, get them to try a macaroni pie and a buttery. Also try a scotch egg, irn Bru, diluting juice, proper fish n chips, do a cheese board with good cheeses, sticky toffee pudding and chocolate.

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