As a bonus challenge if you’re so inclined: 11 more are under 60% non-Hispanic white, while 3-4 of the original 6 have a group other than non-Hispanic whites as a plurality.

  1. California and Texas (Mexicans/Southern Americans and Asians), Mississippi (black) and I have no idea for the others.

  2. I’ll go for the six: Texas, California, Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada, and New Mexico. I think some others like Georgia, Arizona, Florida, and New York are close.

  3. The southwest became a Hispanic majority again like it’s original founding days of the Spanish era

  4. It’s cool to see Maryland on this list, especially when the almost all the other states are either bordering a foreign country or in the middle of the pacific lol

  5. New Mexico, Texas, California, Hawaii, and idk the other two. I know Arizona isn’t one. Florida? New York?

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