Way are some ways a guy can expand his social circle? Just got out of a long relationship and pretty much have no one to go out with. My already relatively small friend are all in serious relationships and don’t have much desire to go out to bars or clubs frequently. Any pointers?

  1. I know it’s probably the scariest option but join a group of people who participate in a hobby you have or even a new hobby. You don’t have to be friends with any of them or even keep doing it if you like it. But shared activities is a great way to make friends.

  2. I know lots of people who made friends through casual sports leagues or CrossFit

    Meetup.con is a good option

  3. Wait a few more years and you won’t even care. In fact, you’ll probably like it.

    Hangin’ with a dude after 40 begins to look ….”suspicious”. Fyi.

  4. Do you have social hobbies? Start there. Hit up random acquitances to do things. In short put yourself out there. Your not in school anymore, so you’ve got to do the legwork proximity used to do on your own initiative.

  5. I just started BJJ, turns out, choking another man out is wierdly intimate, and makes for a good way of bonding. The guys at the club are awesome and i think ive made some new friends!

    Ive also heard (but not tested it out myself) that the climbing comunity is a really special bunch, very approachable and fun people.

  6. I’m a year and a half-ish away from 40. When you reach my age, your friend circle shrinks down to the people you truly want in your life. You usually lose touch with the rest.

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