What is the best way to ask a guy out at the gym?

  1. “Do you also curl beers because I could use a spot at The Pour House around 7pm on Saturday?”

  2. You got nice biceps, bruh. Think you can curl these buloombas?

    You gotta talk with him first. You can’t just randomly approach someone and ask them out just like that.

    edit. Expanding on my original response above for why I said that. I’d start by asking if he needed a workout buddy or if he could spot you while benching. It would allow you to engage in conversation with him. You know what he looks like but know nothing about him, such as if he’s already taken or possibly gay. This is just my opinion

  3. Hello, my name is [insert name]. I’ve seen you here a few times and want to see if you want to get some coffee unless you’re already taken.

    No clue why women make this hard. Just be blunt and to the point. We don’t get hints, gestures, winks or preening. just use words.

  4. Just ask, no dancing around the question. Yes directness might be off-putting but there’s nothing wrong with politely asking.

  5. Interesting how most comments are assisting you

    Other way around and most of them would be “don’t do it”

  6. Pay $270/mo for membership and buy cute gym clothes and wait about 7 months, then post to tiktok

  7. Wait till he is obviously taking a break, approach him with your phone and ask him to put in his number under the contact “Hot guy at the gym.”

    I’m personally dying to try this out one day.

  8. Walk confidently into the mens locker room ,swing open the door of his shower stall and say “Wow, nice dick bro, wanna get coffee?”

    Unless his dick isn’t nice, then just look around acting confused and say “this isn’t where I left my car” before closing the door and walking out.

  9. Not to come off as rude but I don’t understand why women think men are so complicated. As a man if a girl just walked up to me and asked if I wanted to go out it would most likely be an instant yes.

  10. It’s funny cause when guys ask it’s mostly met with “we don’t wanna be asked out at the gym leave us women alone” or matter of fact any public place. Just be friendly and respectful and you shouldn’t have a problem. It’s not rocket science. It’s only hard for guys 😂

  11. Well, let’s see … as a woman, how would you prefer that a random guy ask you out at the gym?

  12. As a girl it’s very easy to approach a man in the gym lol just be upfront and tell him whatsup and if he’s taken he’ll tell you or maybe not but they’ll let it be known. I think it’s A LOT easier for attractive people to go about it in a simplistic manner where you just walk up and be upfront. Like if you’re a below average person to not good looking, you better be funny or show that you’re cool in some manner to get that girl or the guy to go on a date. But I digress, just go to the man, tell him whatsup and I’m sure you’ll be fine. Goodluck to you

  13. Walk up and ask him out.

    We don’t do hints or subtlety. If he’s single and interested I’m sure he’d be more than happy to go out.

    It’s not rocket surgery.

  14. If you’re trying to feel out how social he may be (as some guys here are commenting, some dudes just aren’t at the gym to be social), a decent way to dip your toes in without being to forward or anything is to ask for a spot a couple times and try and make normal conversation and see how he reacts. If he’s not the social type it should be obvious.

  15. Approach him and say “My friend on that rowing machine over there thinks you’re cute.”

    Then run over to sit on the empty rowing machine and wave

  16. “Hi, I’m itfloats16, sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you’d like to get coffee or a drink with me sometime – if you’re not already taken?”

    * introduces yourself so he knows who he’s talking to
    * respects his time by acknowledging that he’s there to exercise
    * gets straight to the point of what you’re talking to him for
    * respects his relationship if he has one, shows you aren’t there to make a mess, and if he doesn’t have one, the assumption that he might is a nice little compliment
    * Leaves it open for further discussion by not answering “why me?” before he asks, and gives him options of what activity to join you for (if he doesn’t decline)

    I’d recommend asking at the end of your workout, so that if he declines you don’t have to stay there awkwardly a few machines away, and if he does accept you can take the time needed to discuss plans, but still excuse yourself before the conversation becomes awkwardly drawn out.

  17. Act like a silverback and go up to him saying ‘gym?’ Like a caveman, if he’s a gymrat this would work

  18. If a man asked that question in r/AskWomen about asking a woman out in a gym everyone would be up in arms.

  19. If this was a dude asking a woman, he’d be told not to do it. Stop being a creep. But when women do it it’s cute

  20. “How do you get your arms so big and strong?? Your girlfriend must love them. What do you mean you don’t have a girlfriend?”

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